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Competing in a National Show: The Only Way to Go Pro in the NPC

Are Ian Lauer Nationals NPC 2011you one of the many competitors that want to “Go Pro?”  If that is the case and you are looking to make the jump from NPC Amateur to IFBB Pro then you need to compete in a National Show.  You may be asking, “How do I compete in a National Show?”  I will  explain a bit about that in a moment.  Not only do you have to compete, you have to win or achieve a placing that the NPC/IFBB deems “good enough” to earn pro status.  That being said, many Men’s Physique competitors went to a National Show this past weekend.  The show: The National’s in Florida.  

For me the trip to Miami is already underway.  I am writing this on the plane from LAX to Miami; however, by the time you see it I will already have landed and competed in the show.  Weeks and weeks of anticipation and preparation are coming to a head!  Though I maintain “Shoot Ready” status year round for my fitness modeling and acting career, there are a few more details that go into the final couple weeks before a Physique Show.  Unlike a photo shoot, for a competition you have weeks and weeks of notice as to the date of the show.  This gives you added time to dial in the exact look you are going for.  

Beyond the dialing in of the body, there are many other factors to consider.  

To name a few of the basics:


Keys to Success on Stage


“Nothing Perfect practice makes perfectcan stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

First, I want to wish good luck to all my Men’s Physique brothers competing for the final 6 pro cards of 2011 this weekend at the Nationals in Miami.  Hopefully Ian isn’t too carb depleted right now to post this before show time. (IAN WAS PERFECTLY FINE TO PUBLISH THIS; HOWEVER, HIS COMPUTER WAS NOT UP TO THE TASK)


What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

I lovemind to listen to self help CD’s and read self help books. I believe it is good to always be improving yourself not only physically, but also mentally.  I was listening to a CD yesterday and it had some great points. The biggest thing I got from the message was to be careful of what you feed your mind. Just like our bodies if you put the right “food” into your mind it will function at it’s best...


Gym Etiquette and More!



We have all been to the gym and have gym idiotbeen annoyed by people in the gym. Sometimes it’s breaking gym etiquette and then other times it’s just plain dumb. So here’s a list of the things that annoy me the most. Enjoy!

1.    Having to work out next to people who smell like an ashtray.
2.    People who don’t take their weights off the machine.
3.    Using 10 machines at the same time or 4 sets of dumbbells at the same time.
4.    Talking on your cell phone while occupying equipment.
5.    Thinking that dropping weights is not dramatic enough so they throw the weights down.


Meet National MP Competitor Denzo Rey

IL: We are here with National Level MP Mens Physique 3Competitor Denzo Rey.  Thanks for Joining us Denzo.
DR: My Pleasure.

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
First and foremost, thanks for the interview Ian. I'm grateful for the addition of the Men’s Physique Division; it is a breath of fresh air that will ultimately give a boost to the Men’s Bodybuilding Division, as well as capture the appeal of a wider audience base. The Physique Division is a great avenue for athletes to display their physiques in a different light. It provides the average guy in the gym a much more realistic goal to set by creating a competitive model of physique that is based on a symmetrical, muscular and lean look that is not extreme.

I'm very impressed with the caliber of athletes competing. The underlying benefits, in addition to the pleasing physical appearance are the strengthening of the individual’s responsibility, discipline, commitment, confidence and purpose to train.  These are all powerful and effective leadership qualities.


Are you Photo Ready? Three Tips for Looking Your Best in Pictures



      Many of us have worked hard to Camerafine tune every aspect of our physique and we naturally assume that our work will translate on camera.  This isn't always the case.  Much like perfecting your body, perfecting your "on-camera" skills takes time and effort. Below are a few tips to help you create excellent images for both personal and professional use.

Practice Makes Perfect: Don't expect your first set of pictures to be perfect.  Understanding your on-camera persona takes time.  Select a photographer who is willing to coach you.  Often times what feels most unnatural on camera looks the best in pictures.  Prior to shooting, take time to practice different poses in the mirror.  Pay attention to your facial expressions.  What looks do you like the best?  Position your body in a variety of ways to determine your best angle and consider having a friend take snapshots of you prior to the shoot so you can study yourself on film...


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