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Meet National Level MP Competitor Krystian Malinowski

Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?310618 2509547656935 1200414365 3043773 361270488 n
First let me start from saying that I’m very competitive person since I can remember plus I like to face new challenges in my life. Men’s Physique division is such a great opportunity for the guys like me who love to train, live the fitness life style and maintain a healthy physique.
The great thing about this division is also that you are really competing against yourself. You learn so much about yourself and what you can accomplish!!!

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?

The competition that I was just competed in was NPC Ruby Championships.  This competition was a national qualifier for Fitness, Figure, Bikini and Men’s Physique. The top five contestants qualify to go to the Nationals. The Ruby was an unforgettable experience.


Swimming to Change Your Physique



If you've ever experienced a grueling shoulder or back routine, you know that the next day the tightness you feel is unbelievable. If you've tried to shoot a basketball after performing 4 sets of military presses, you also know how “OFF” your shot is. Incorporating a solid 30 minute swim routine, 3 days per week, can be most beneficial when it comes to stretching and elongating those latissimus dorsi muscles and deltoids, as well as stretching those legs after a good squat routine...


The Importance of Criticism

We now live, surrounded, in a world of self-promotionIMG 3835tagged and positive feedback. Models are a prime example of this with the use of social media to display their portfolios.


“Like this, comment on this, repost this, share this”


However, very seldom in this sea of positive reinforcement (however real or unreal it may be) are there requests for honest critiques. Now I am not encouraging people to start ripping apart one-another’s work. But if none of our feedback on our work (photographers included) is constructive, how do we ever expect to improve?


Playing The Middle

There are many tried and true CLIPART OF 15424 SMJPGcertainties in this Life.  One that always remains is that one sure-fire way to lead yourself down a path of mediocrity and regret is to “Play The Middle!” You know exactly what I am talking about.  We ALL have been there at times; not ready or willing to fully commit to something and at the same time also not ready to let it go or move on!  This, my friends, is the dreaded state of Playing The Middle! There are many causes; fear of the unknown, doubt, change, uncertainty to name a few! The common denominator here is very easy to see and solve! How can we ever truly know what we are capable of if we DO NOT give our all?! Giving your all to whatever you decide to do allows you to answer all of those what ifs?


Three Posing Tips

“Number one, it runs through my mind it is very BobbyNorthAmercansobvious that I am the king. Then I thought to the audience, just keep screaming now because you’re going to see the poses for just a few minutes here, so eat your hearts out.” ~ Arnold

As I sat watching the Titans show this past weekend I had several conversations with others in the audience about how off the posing was in every category.  Many competitors spend so much time on building their physiques only to neglect the other components of competing such as posing.  You do yourselves a disservice to put 12-16 weeks of training in only to blow it by deciding you aren’t going to take your posing just as seriously. 


The FMI Experience

I just returned home from Redondo Beach, California.  FMILOGO1 There I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the FMI ( Fitness Model International) 2011 Fall conference. In fact I actually wrote this on the plane ride back home to TX, because I just couldn't wait to share.  I first learned about FMI back in 2007 and really wanted to attend, but was unable to go. Fast forward 4 years and I finally made it out to the conference. It was well worth it and my only regret is waiting so long to attend my first one.


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Mens Physique Contributors

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