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Proteins are NOT All Created Equal



Mostwhite-eggs active people believe that they need A LOT of protein to grow and recover from workouts. First I have to say don't forget that Carbohydrates are also essential for recovery. That being said, let's get back to the topic at hand...Protein.  What kind of protein we need?  To tackle that question we must first look into what Protein is actually supplying to our bodies.  Protein is supplying the much needed Amino Acids for growth and recovery.


Meet MP Competitor Chad Abner


Joiningphoto us today is MP Competitor Chad Abner.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?  
Thanks so much.  I have always followed bodybuilding and been involved, but when the Men’s Physique Division came about, I knew it was going to be my chance to participate.  I couldn’t be more excited about the addition of this division.  It’s an amazing opportunity for guys like me who have to stay really active and carrying around a lot of mass is not an option.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition in which you just competed?
The NPC KyMuscle Strength and Fitness Extravaganza is an amazing show.  It’s put together by promoter Brent Jones in Louisville, KY.  It has everything from IFBB pro figure to arm wrestling.  The men’s physique was deep.  There were 16 shredded guys in the tall class that I was in and 8 in the short class. 


Chest & Triceps on Hyperdrive

“Today’soverhead tricep extensions preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement” ~ Unknown

It's not Monday (aka National Chest Day) but, it's time for me to get my chest & triceps workout in!  After coming off of taking about a month off from training to rest some injuries, I’ve spent this week and will continue next week to condition my body for the stress about to be put on it as I prepare for the upcoming 2012 IFBB Men’s Physique season. 


Meet IFBB MP Pro Miguel Aguilar

We DSC 2033 QPLNFSWEWDare here with IFBB PRO Miguel Aguilar.  Congrats on a great showing and earning your card in Miami!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I have always loved the sport of bodybuilding and its competitive edge.  When this division began my trainer and friend Kim Oddo advised me to compete as this will allow me to be competitive and achieve my goals.  

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
Miami Nationals the biggest show of the year a total of 900+ competitors and 67 in my class WOW !! Earning my IFBB Pro Card at this show I am still speechless...


Meet MP Competitor Don Magruder

Today390341 292181210821622 100000892353151 877767 1338155136 n MP Competitor Don Magruder is joining us.  Congrats on a your recent showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I have been working out for years and have a very strong passion for fitness.  As a personal trainer and athlete, I felt obligated show my clients I love what I do.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?  
I recently competed in Davenport, Iowa at the National Qualifier “Battle of the Champions.”  It was a great turn out and was the best atmosphere to be around...  


Meet MP Competitor Dexter Hardy



Todayimage Dexter Hardy is joining us.  Thanks for taking the time and also congrats on a great showing in Miami!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I was introduced the Men’s Physique Division by Dexter Martin at GoLive Fitness in Atlanta, GA.  He approached me while working out one day in LA Fitness.  I have never considered myself to be a bodybuilder though.  I just generally like to stay fit and workout.


Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
My most recent competition was NPC Nationals (Miami, FL) in November 2011.  It was the largest National show in the history of the NPC with 950+ competitors. It was great to be a part of such a monumental event.




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