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Meet MP Competitor Rob Simpson


Congrats 1e724f909d956634891b9ce876982df6on your 2011 Season!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Being a gym rat I’ve always had an interest in bodybuilding, but never had the desire to build to that size.  When Men’s Physique started, a friend of mine at the gym, who competes, kept telling me I should go for it.  I thought about it, but was too nervous to take the step.   Months later a couple of friends of mine were going to do The Titans Grand Prix NPC Event and I was like…I’m gonna do this, so I did.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
I competed in back-to-back shows.  The first was The Titans and then a week later at Border States... 


Listen To Your Body


Afterd1 16 years of training I have a really good understanding of my body. I know what I need to feed it to make sure it is functioning at 100%. I know what it takes to build muscle or lean down. I know how much cardio I need to get to my goals of stepping on stage. I know what type of training my body responds to. I know how much rest I need each night to recover. I know the supplements that are the most vital for health and to maximize my gains. I have learned to listen to my body.

One thing I learned a while back is that it is alright to skip a day in the gym or maybe even a week in the gym if that is what your body needs...


Meet National Level MP Competitor Bradley Martyn

Joining June 18thus today is National Level MP Competitor Bradley Martyn.  Congrats on another great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I had been following bodybuilding for as long as I can remember. When the Men’s Physique division was introduced into the NPC, I decided it would be a great way for me to get the ball rolling and eventually step on stage.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
My most recent showing was at the Miami Nationals

How did you feel after pre-judging?
After pre-judging, I felt good about what I had brought to the stage.

How did you feel about the final results of the show?
I placed 8th out of a very large class. This was not my best placing at a national level show, however I enjoyed the opportunity to get on stage with a lot of very good competitors. Taking what I learned from this show and applying it to my next competitions is the biggest win in my book, because after all this is a marathon not a race. Always striving to come in better and better!


10 Tips to Train Through Injuries

Injuries…Jamin Thompson (1)they can happen to the best of us, we train as hard as we can, push our bodies to the limits, and those nagging aches and pains always somehow manage to turn into an injury.

What do you do?

Most of us will probably want to “gut it out” and continue training, especially when prepping for a show, but what about the consequences for not letting an injury take the time it needs to heal?

One lesson I’ve learned over the years is that it is ok to train through pain but it is never ok to train through a serious injury.


Modeling portfolio DO's and DONT's



TalentIMG 4699tagged often asks me what they need to have in a portfolio, what they should avoid having in a portfolio and how to best display their portfolio. Although with all certainty that this is not a complete list, it is a fairly extensive list of some things to be sure to DO and some other things to make sure you DON’T.

DO start a portfolio. Perhaps a little satirical, but I would not anticipate a lot of work coming in without having one.

DON’T take EVERY  “free” photo shoot offer that comes your way. You may be in a position where a lot of up and comers are hoping to collaborate with you to mutually benefit each other’s experience. I’m not saying any offer like this is wrong. Some may be very beneficial. But be judicious. Know who is going to have the styles to help you get the looks you need.


Meet MP Competitor Matt DuBois

Today good1111we are here with MP Competitor Matt DuBois.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I have always wanted to compete in a bodybuilding show.  I was so excited when I found out that the NPC Physique was starting in 2011.  I have attended many bodybuilding events over the years and I felt that I had a well balanced physique for competitions.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
I just competed in the 2011 NPC Sacramento Open Physique and Masters Physique 35+.  It was a great competition with several good physique competitors.


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