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Success Starts With A Goal


Any successsuccess in life starts with a journey.  Every journey should start with a goal.  If you want to decide where you end up that is.  So how do you go about setting a “life changing goal” like “being on the cover of a major magazine?”

When setting a “life changing goal” begin with a goal lofty enough to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and YOUR VIEW OF YOURSELF.  Next create a set of smaller goals towards that end. These are steps along the way of achieving your “life changing goal.”  This rings true for business, personal, family, or even health goals. When you set your small goals they should be calculated, precise, and achievable. Do a lot of thinking to determine your smaller goals on your way towards your major goals. Once you have those goals figured out, WRITE THEM DOWN.


Low Fat Eating Plan – Men & Women



First, 1the number one rule is your metabolism!  You MUST eat every 3 hours or your body will go into a catabolic state and store fat.  Eating every 3 hours will prevent you from being sluggish, having low energy, low blood sugar and eventually getting sick just from missing meals.  Not eating and waiting until you are completely hungry will make you eat twice as much when you do eat from the hunger pains.
Eat every 3 hours, even if it is with whole food or meal replacements (protein shakes or bars?), or even snacks (fruits or veggies).
Second, remember it is a lifestyle change (for the better)!  “Diet” meals can be fun.  There are a lot more to choose from in today’s products than years ago.  Choose wisely. Check the nutrition facts on back of each product you purchase.  Make sure that the following is true of the Fat, Sugar, Carbs and Sodium:

Fat (Good fat, like Olive Oil, Fish, Almonds…) Absolutely, keep the bad fats to ZERO!
Sugar (zero if you can)
Carbs (low as possible<25-35g/meal)
Sodium (under 2 to 5g/day) too much sodium will make you feel bloated because of the water retention; but, our bodies do need sodium to help aid the transport of blood & oxygen across to other parts of our bodies.


Picture Perfect With The Ladies – How To Model With a Female

You mayd18 have modeled alone numerous times and are comfortable with your poses.  This may lead you to think that posing with a woman is no different.  However, there are numerous points to keep in mind any time you are at a shoot in which you are expected to pose with a lady.

First of all, don’t allow nerves to distract you from performing as expected.  What helps tremendously with getting over any nervousness is to chat with the woman before the shoot in order to establish a comfort level.  You don’t have to discuss anything in particular, but at least get an idea of her personality.


Dialing It In: Water Manipulation to get You Stupid Lean

This Ian Lauer Nationals NPC 2011 absarticle may seem like it only applies to the small number of you who plan on competing at some point. This is not the case. Anyone who is sitting at a reasonably low body fat percentage (<12%) and wants to go from simply “lean” to “holy hell” can benefit from this. Here I will lay out how to manipulate water levels and storage to make you look both leaner and more muscular in 5 days. This particular routine has actually been used by a number of competitors. That being said, I cannot advocate the off-label use of diuretics, they are potentially lethal, so that section is strictly hypothetical. Proceed at your own risk, brave little jacked man.


The Issue

You’re lean, you’ve been working hard on your diet, and you have a special event coming up (beach, party, etc) that requires you be shredded. This is easily accomplished if you are already at decently low body fat. Now is the time when you have to critically assess yourself in the mirror. You will not magically get shredded if you’re sitting at 18% body fat.


The Real Reasons



Being253670 10150217218271338 507686337 7529390 5806016 n in the midst of the holidays, it’s time to reflect on The Real Reasons! As I finished up my shopping I couldn’t help but to think to myself about how caught up we can get and distracted from The Real Reasons that we do what we do, or at least why we began to do them in the first place! Christmas isn’t about money, it isn’t about obligations, and it isn’t even about presents! What it really is about is helping out one another and lifting one another up! If the reason we are doing something for someone else is because we feel obligated or it is just what everyone else is doing, then we need to stop and think about The Real Reasons we do what we do during the holidays! You see, when we focus on The Real Reasons, it becomes that much more special!


Building a Fitness Accountability Group



Arefitness group you new to working out?  Visiting the site for motivation and pointers?  Having trouble sticking to your new plan?  If so this article is for you!  

How can we find ways to maintain fitness? Are there cost effective strategies to insure we keep fitness a priority in our lives? I recently polled a number of individuals and asked what motivates them to hire a trainer and go to the gym? By far, the answer was accountability. They stated they were motivated because they are paying a trainer who expects them to show up. That made a lot of sense to me. When I was working to get back in shape a trainer wasn't in the budget, but I always went to classes at my local gym. I got to know many of the people in class, as well as the instructor, and when I didn't show up everyone noticed. That motivated me to keep going.


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