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Repping For Real Results

I have BYBBBBrealized over the years that there is a big difference between, picking a weight up and repping to the high heavens, and actually isolating the muscle so you can get an incredible gain.

 There are actual stages of fatigue that are important to reach if you want to accumulate more muscle from your workout. Here is a brief breakdown of those levels of fatigue and what role they play in producing the sought after muscle growth.


Food 101



    WhenMeals2 I talk to potential clients or anyone for that matter about “diets” I try to make sure I can get them to learn the basics. As we all know there is no clear cut black and white way to diet, but I think there are some constants in a general healthy diet. Contest prep is a whole different demon in itself, but I feel everybody should know the basics in order to be successful in their diet. Always remember that everybody responds to food differently so this is just my opinion and what has worked for me throughout the years.


You Outta Be In Pictures: Tips for Finding the Right Photographer

Whether MF17-COVERyou intend to pursue work that requires professional photographs or not, doing a photo shoot can be fun and exciting.  If you are participating in a competition, photos can be a great way to document your journey.  If you are lacking motivation and need an incentive to keep engaged in your fitness routine, scheduling a photo shoot can provide incentive to get in shape.  Finally, you might be surprised at the value of professional photographs. They may lead to a career you never thought possible, especially if you are already involved in the fitness industry.  


A Model's "So What" Factor



Consider IMG 3835taggedfor a moment, the following pitches which modeling talents send to their target clients such as publications.
"I'm hard working and determined."
Is this to suggest that other models are not?
"This is my passion."
Are other talents passionless?
"I'm always on-time and ready to go!"
Clients would hope all talents are. Should be standard.
"It has been a dream of mine..."
If clients had a nickel for every time they read or heard this one.
Now consider the following response...SO WHAT?


Are You Willing to Do What it Takes to Achieve Your MP Dreams?

So 221599 10150159615614476 507654475 6354582 4437754 nyou are interested in making a difference in the fitness community.  You may have already or are considering competing.  The fitness competition circuit gets a bad rap from time to time.  However, if you don’t like competing you must respect the competition.  I do not know any other athletes that gives up as much as we do.  There are a huge number regular activities and foods that the MP competitor must give up daily that other athletes and normal people take for granted.  I ask you, are you willing to do what it takes?


Fail-proof Crock Pot Pumpkin Chicken

When pumpkin chickenit comes to eating clean and dieting sometimes we get bored of the same old thing. This super easy recipe is perfect for supplying all the protein you need and adding only a few carbs.

Pumpkin is known for being high in fiber and low in sugar while still adding lots of flavor. A 1/2 cup of pumpkin is only 40 calories and 9g carbs, 5g of which are fibrous leaving you only 4 net carbs! One can of pumpkin totals 4 servings…so this entire recipe, plus two small 50 calorie apples will make only a small dent in your carb and sugar intake.


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