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Add Meaning To Your End…

How  mg 9567-editmany times in our lives have we found ourselves simply going through the motions or forcing ourselves to do something because we justify it as a “Means to an End?” Or in simpler terms doing something that we do not enjoy in order to get an end result! We have all been there; whether it is Our Job, School, Training, Etc… When we take this kind of mentality no matter how justifiable the end result we severely limit our potential to produce an even better ending or even to create new opportunities along the way! While we all have days that we feel like we have to do something that is less than favorable, these truly should be the rarities and if they are not, the first step is to look at our outlook and see if we really are overlooking the experience that we could be gaining along the way!

One such scenario is when we complain because we have what we consider to be a Bad Boss or a Bad Work Environment; you know the ones that make you absolutely dread going to work!..


Healthy Shopping List For Life!



Eating Shopping Carthealthy is important whether you’re in Prep or Off-Season. Here is a great list of items you can find at your local grocery store to ensure you will be in peak condition all year long!

Proteins – In this category, it is important to include Lean/Low Fat sources to build clean and dense muscle!
·    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
·    Tuna (water packed), or White Meat Chicken (water packed)
·    Fish (tilapia, cod, halibut, and on occasion salmon and sea bass)...


Mindful Eating: How to Eat Less and Enjoy More



What photo(17)happens when you’re hungry?  You probably find the quickest and most convenient thing you can get your hands on and eat it.  That's definitely something many people have to retrain themselves on when they set goals for improving their health and losing weight.  The goal is not to find yourself in a position where you are really hungry, especially in the presence of a fast food restaurant!  As you get better at this, the concept of mindful eating becomes more present.


Let’s Recap The Men’s Physique Division


           For246990 1378112030961 1776703658 641614 7010639 n those that are new to the game, the Men’s Physique division was introduced this year in the NPC.  What makes a good physique competitor?  If you go to www.npcnewsonline.com or look at the rulebook, the judging criteria specify that competitors are judged on "Muscularity and Body Condition" as well as "Stage Presence and Personality." 

The website states:  

"Muscularity and Body Competition” - "Judges will be looking for fit contestants who display proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. This is not a bodybuilding contest, so extreme muscularity should be marked down."


Meet National Level MP Competitor Justin Klein


We areath justin klein here with Top 5 Finisher at the National's Justin Klein.  Congrats on a great showing in Miami!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

My trainer suggested that it would be a great division for me to begin to compete in, since I had never competed before and the scene was completely new to me. It would also help make a name for myself and build my fitness and modeling career.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
I just competed in one of the largest NPC National competitions in Miami Beach, Florida. With over 940 total competitors, over 150 competitors in Men’s Physique and over 60 competitors in Men’s Physique C Division. It was full of top competitors from around the nation with a chance to earn IFBB Pro Cards.


Full Range or More Weight?

Last 297607 10150274122413655 572468654 7554898 3655097 nWednesday was a shoulders and triceps day for me. I hit the gym just after rush hour, so there were fewer people around than normal.  Most of the guys were lifting legs that day.  As I was just finishing up with my last rear deltoid exercise I was approached by a guy who had a few questions for me.

Tim said he noticed my physique and that I look like I may know a few things. Laughing with Tim, I agreed to offer as much help as I could to answer his questions. One of the questions I want to share with you today:

"Does squatting benefit you more by doing partials with a lot of weight or less weight with full-range of motion?"


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Mens Physique Contributors

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