Mindful Eating: How to Eat Less and Enjoy More



What photo(17)happens when you’re hungry?  You probably find the quickest and most convenient thing you can get your hands on and eat it.  That's definitely something many people have to retrain themselves on when they set goals for improving their health and losing weight.  The goal is not to find yourself in a position where you are really hungry, especially in the presence of a fast food restaurant!  As you get better at this, the concept of mindful eating becomes more present.


What is mindful eating anyway and how can it help you achieve your goals? Mindful eating, according to Center for Mindful Eating (www.tcme.org)  is, "Allowing yourself to become aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities that are available through food preparation and consumption by respecting your own inner wisdom".  What does that mean?  It's about fully enjoying the process of eating and paying careful attention to what food does to your body.  In an effort to ensure you are being mindful of your eating habits, try following the steps below:

 Mindful Eating for Meal Time:

1) Prep for meals and snacks: Spending time planning and packing food rather than just grabbing items on the go allows us to develop a keener sense of our body, how to care for our health, and how to appreciate and respect food.  Look through cook books, find recipes or ideas, and subscribe to blogs or sites on food that give suggestions.  Shop local farmers markets and talk to the growers.  Think carefully about what goes into growing and raising food.  Pay attention to nutritional content.

2) Allocate time to prepare meal: This makes you more fully appreciate what you are putting into your body.  Even the art of buying bags of almonds and portioning them out makes you more aware of how much a serving is and what it offers nutritionally. When you create a meal, take time to concentrate on preparation, making eating an experience rather than just an act.

3) Savor the moment: When you sit down at the table, close your eyes for a moment.  Think about what you are about to ingest and how it will nourish your body. Are you eating empty calories?  If so, that's okay, just be aware.  Does your plate have a variety of colors on it?  Is the food on your plate a blend of the vital nutrients we need to sustain ourselves?  Take a moment to truly think about what you are eating.

4) Make eating a ritual: Start by having a glass of water to cleanse the palate.  Ensure you are not going into meal time over-hungry.  Breathe deeply and smell the aroma of the food.  As you eat, pay attention to the flavors.  Eat slowly and intentionally.  Pause between bites to allow your body time to take it in.  This will ensure you don't overeat.  Before having a second helping, give your body time to digest.  

5) Reflect: After eating, notice how your body reacts.  Did the foods you ingest make you feel good, give you energy, or did they take away from those things?  Many people have food allergies or sensitivities and go years before they ever realize this.  Everyone is different.  You are the best judge of knowing what food works for you!  You are the owner of your body and only you know what makes you feel good.  Pay attention to your body and figure this out.  If you are unsure which foods are challenging for you, read more at http://www.webmd.com/allergies/allergies-elimination-diet on how to follow an elimination diet.

Eating right and caring for yourself is a skill. We all need to eat, but doing so mindfully can make the difference in achieving our health and fitness goals,  Feed the body good whole foods , appreciate the moments of eating, pay careful attention to the process, share your successes and tips, and learn from your failures.  This will go a long way toward achieving your goals for optimum health.

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