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Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

Does intermittent fasting really work? dark milk combo tin almonds webversion This is something I stumbled upon a little haphazardly.  I am no stranger to cheat foods but as a men’s physique competitor many of my peers seemed to suffer a bit more when they had some of these same foods, whether they were preparing for a competition or not.  While I thought there could be something to my metabolism, I wondered if it was something more.  So I decided to pay closer attention to these cheat foods,  when I ate them and what the effect, if any, was on my body.

    Quickly after beginning my observational self-experiment, I realized when I had these foods, I often looked better a day or two afterwards.  It is important to note that while I would cheat with foods such as chocolate covered almonds, frozen yogurt, and even donuts, I was eating very healthy the rest of the day.  My diet consisted of homemade shakes of fruits, vegetables, and whey protein, with meals of chicken, fish, or bison with brown rice or salad.  I would cheat an average of 3 times per week.  I was also working out an average of 6 days a week...


Leg Day Insanity!


If you’re looking for an interesting change of pacelegs for leg day throw in this one exercise before your normal workout. Disclaimer: This workout is intense and not recommended for anyone who routinely dreads or skips leg day! You will be sore. You will want to puke or may puke. You may not be able to walk. You have been warned!

Leg Press Machine starting with 1, 45lb plate per side.

Have workout partner add one 45lb plate to each side, 10 reps. Switch with partner then repeat.
add another 45lb plate to each side, 20 reps
add another 45lb plate to each side, 30 reps
add another 45lb plate to each side, 40 reps...


Changes to Make Your Physique a Winner!


 If you are like most folks that enjoy weightlance-armstrong-kettlebell training you probably find you have favorite exercises and movements that you are strong and comfortable with. The problem that can happen is relying on doing the same workouts over and over and expecting to get a better result. I’m sure everyone adds weight, increases reps and changes the order of exercises.

     I question whether you are doing entirely different workouts to achieve entirely better results. I come from a bodybuilding back ground so the typical “bodybuilding routine has always been my bread and butter (FYI: bread and butter are bad). I have looked for other workouts to try to achieve different and better results for my physique. Some examples are yoga, kettle bell training and some core balance workouts. Switching from bodybuilding to physique, it only makes sense to switch training...


Turn Up The Heat

Fully Loop Shoot 2011 11When doing Cardio, I’m sure you have all heard of your "THR" (Target Heart Rate, 220 - Your Age x 0.6). Although, it is a fact that by achieving this Heart Rate you will burn pure fat with minimal muscle loss. In order to Maximize You’re Results it is necessary to be entering and exiting this Zone. By doing that, not only will you be burning more Calories you won’t have to exercise as long!

Take a look at my simple example of a great Interval Routine that can be applied to most Aerobic Equipment.

NORMAL - 500 calories/ 45min
INTERVAL - 500 calories/ 28min

Your new cardio plan...


Meet National Level MP Competitor Scott Clifton

0b94e4c6b68d03151ed8d9a69ceacdfbWe are here with Scott Clifton.  Congrats on a great showing!  We understand you are preparing for The Nationals in Miami now.  Before we get too far ahead of ourselves though let's cover the basics.  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
First off, Thank you!!!!! My old coach had told me that I would do better and go a lot further doing Men’s Physique instead of Bodybuilding. I’m coming from Pro Wrestling and my dream since I was in Middle school was to be in a Fitness Magazine. I have always been very competitive at every sport I've played. I thought by competing in the past would get my body into the shape I need to be photo ready while at the same time competing against other guys. Doing competitions gave me a goal and deadline to be in shape. Something to follow and in order to win you have to follow your program and most of all be dedicated and sacrifice. Men’s Physique is perfect, because it is the more attainable look that potential sponsorship companies are looking for.


Instinctive Training

Animal within

Instinctive training.  What does that mean? Well, let’s look at the definition of the word instinctive.

 1. Relating to or prompted by instinct; apparently unconscious or automatic: "an instinctive distaste for conflict".
2. (of a person) Doing or being a specified thing apparently naturally or automatically: "an instinctive writer".
3.  My interpretation is a physical “sixth sense” or a feeling that comes naturally.  This can be developed after years of learning your body inside and out, both physically and mentally.


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