Many men aren’t exactly gifted with the ability to...
When it comes to training I believe too many people...
“I cannot tell a lie, it was I who chopped down the Cherry Tree.” Most of us recognize this quote as we were likely told the story of America’s First President, George Washington chopping down his Father’s favorite Cherry Tree and confessing fully when questioned about it. Whether the story is true or not, the lesson remains the same and the reason we were told this story in the first place was to demonstrate and teach about Honesty! You see, Honesty really is the best policy, but we are usually only taught about being Honest with Others when in all actuality, we must all Truly be Honest with OURSELVES and that is the most important form of Honesty! Without Self Honesty we are constantly on an unstable foundation and nothing built on an unstable foundation will last!..
I get asked all the time what exercises I do to build my physique, what my secrets are, and what tricks I have. Most the time these questions are coming from a novice competitor or athlete. It always seems like they are waiting for me to announce the one secret that is going to propel them to exactly where they need to be. The secret is that there is no secret! You must start with the basics, stick to the basics and finish with the basics. There are certain things that are a staple to building a great physique. The first is nutrition.
There is no secret to my diet or bulking plans when it comes to my meals. It’s as simple as eating the clean foods, keeping the calories/ratios where they need to be, and timing your food appropriately...
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