Stick to the Basics

I get asked all the time what exercisespowertec power rack system I do to build my physique, what my secrets are, and what tricks I have. Most the time these questions are coming from a novice competitor or athlete. It always seems like they are waiting for me to announce the one secret that is going to propel them to exactly where they need to be. The secret is that there is no secret! You must start with the basics, stick to the basics and finish with the basics. There are certain things that are a staple to building a great physique. The first is nutrition.

There is no secret to my diet or bulking plans when it comes to my meals. It’s as simple as eating the clean foods, keeping the calories/ratios where they need to be, and timing your food appropriately.  Many years ago before I started Staggs Fitness and became a personal trainer someone asked me if I would build a diet plan for them. I agreed like I always did and put one together. This guy was a competitor. When I gave him his plan he was a little disgruntled and said “this is it”. I was a little dumbfounded and explained to him how to implement it into his routine. Later I heard from another friend that this guy was upset because the plan I gave him was nothing special. Bottom line is that there is no special plan. There are little things you can do with your foods, but they are only going to make slight differences. If you want to build a quality physique stick with the basic clean foods!

When it comes to working out the same principles apply. Some basic exercises you should always do are squats, bench press, and dead lifts. Add in the other basic exercises flyes, calve raises, curls, dips, and rows. I see too many novice people in the gym doing the silliest exercises that they saw in some video or magazine. Even if they should be doing that exercises 90% aren’t doing the form correct anyway. Build your physique with the basics!! Once you have built a quality physique then add in some different exercises to work specific areas that you are sculpting and to shock the body.

The only secrets to building a great physique is hard work, consistency, determination, and stick to the basics.

Tim Staggs CPT & Wellness Coach

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