Full Range or More Weight?


Last 297607 10150274122413655 572468654 7554898 3655097 nWednesday was a shoulders and triceps day for me. I hit the gym just after rush hour, so there were fewer people around than normal.  Most of the guys were lifting legs that day.  As I was just finishing up with my last rear deltoid exercise I was approached by a guy who had a few questions for me.


Tim said he noticed my physique and that I look like I may know a few things. Laughing with Tim, I agreed to offer as much help as I could to answer his questions. One of the questions I want to share with you today:


"Does squatting benefit you more by doing partials with a lot of weight or less weight with full-range of motion?"


This question took me by surprise because I assumed everyone knew the answer.  Boy was I wrong in my assumption.  A few other guys heard Tim's question and came over to hear what I had to say. I told Tim I received my greatest gains from performing the full movement.  Full range of motion, proper form and technique are going to help you with your overall muscular development as well as decrease chances for injury. Knowing how to do the exercise properly is the key.  Once you have the form down and your full range movement is stronger, then you can add more weight to build more muscle.

If you have to break proper form or sacrifice full range of motion, you are probably using too much weight and putting yourself at risk of injury.  Do you want to get the most out of lifting weights?  I’m going to assume you do!  To accomplish this, work through the full range of motion with a controlled movement AND concentrate on contracting the muscle with each rep.  I have found that lifting through full range of motion also helps me to maintain or even become more flexible.

Many people ask for advice…few listen.  After our talk, Tim attempted to squat his “usual weight” for the full range and was unable to complete a single rep.  He was exaggerating the movement and had too much weight on the bar.  The result was a failed attempt and Zero Results.  The lesson here?  Set your pride aside!  It is more important to reduce your load allowing you to complete beneficial full reps than to waste your time on failed attempts with too much weight risking injury.

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