Success Starts With A Goal


Any successsuccess in life starts with a journey.  Every journey should start with a goal.  If you want to decide where you end up that is.  So how do you go about setting a “life changing goal” like “being on the cover of a major magazine?”

When setting a “life changing goal” begin with a goal lofty enough to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and YOUR VIEW OF YOURSELF.  Next create a set of smaller goals towards that end. These are steps along the way of achieving your “life changing goal.”  This rings true for business, personal, family, or even health goals. When you set your small goals they should be calculated, precise, and achievable. Do a lot of thinking to determine your smaller goals on your way towards your major goals. Once you have those goals figured out, WRITE THEM DOWN. When a goal is written down your odds of achieving it is much higher. You can then take it a step farther and place those written goals in all the places that you go daily like your bathroom mirror, locker, office, car, etc. If your goal is in front of you daily, it will help you stay focused and increase your chances of achieving each of them.

All of this may sound unnecessary or even silly, but ask any successful business person and they will tell you the same thing. Your goals are the road map for your journey. Now with all that being said if you do not achieve your goal or goals don’t let it discourage you.  I have found that those goals I have occasionally missed have often led me in a direction that has resulted in many other successes.  These are successes I would not have achieved without the original goal pulling me in that direction.  

Keep pushing towards your goals until you hit them or find a greater more appealing goal and work harder to the next. You will hit road blocks, speed bumps, and on occasion dead ends in your journey. When this happens look for the lesson and the opportunities that may be apparent upon initial review.  No successful person has ever succeeded without failing or being temporarily detoured. The most successful people have failed the most! The only way to truly fail on your journey is to quit. Have a great New Year.  I look forward to hitting goals with you in 2012.

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90 Day Challenge:  www.staggsfitness.bodybyvi.com  
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