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Mission: Shoulders to Boulders

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - biggershoulders1behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” ~ Muhammad Ali

There have been a lot of people asking what this category is about. It’s about balance and symmetry to help present the most aesthetically pleasing physique in the eyes of the judges and crowd. Part of achieving that is admitting to yourself what your weaknesses are and improving upon them. Mine happen to be my shoulders. I thought I had pretty good shoulders. My girlfriends never complained…but now that I think about it, maybe that’s why they are all ex-girlfriends now. My deficiency was made very clear in Chicago as I showed off my golf ball sized delts next to the likes of Kevin Perod and Alex Carneiro. Kevin looked like he was wearing a pair of football shoulder pads. WTF?!?!




We have all heard the phrase "timing is everything",IMG_6018(1) but honestly, nothing could be further from the truth! So many people let opportunities pass them by; opportunities that often times they never even knew were there! Why? Because they use the excuse that it just was not the right time; but, when is the right time? The right time is RIGHT NOW! At any given time you will always have something going on, something that may make you think that it just is not the right time, but remember at that same given time there is somebody out there that is taking action in far worse circumstances! There is always someone that has it better and always someone that has it worse, those are the facts of life, what separates people is their ability to respond to those given set of circumstances. You have the ability to choose your response and action to situations, you and you alone! Decide to take action and not only reach your goals, but to exceed them! There will always be bumps in the road and plenty of twists and turns as well, we should be thankful for these, as it is these experiences that we truly learn and grow from! It is when times are rough and things are difficult that our characters are defined, anybody can move ahead when things are going great, but to move ahead when things are less than ideal, now that takes a true champion!



I often meet with a lot of resistance in men whenBotox it comes to the concept of having Botox injections. They will often say, “I don’t want to lose my facial expressions” or “I don’t like the idea of having a toxin in my body!” Yet when injected judiciously and expertly, Botox can end up relaxing and balancing faces that may be stuck in a permanent frown or scowl. In other words, the results should look natural instead of producing a “frozen” look which many people have come to associate with Botox...


Do You Really Need a Coach


As personal trainers and owners of Staggs Fitness my wife and I have coached 100’s
of individuals to their fitness goals. The question I get a lot is what do you actually do
for people as their coach?


How Fitness Models Should Contact Photographers – Part II

[email protected]MF17-COVER

Welcome back to my ongoing series on tips for fitness models.In my last article I discussed how to approach potential photographers.Now that you possibly have their attention, it doesn’t end there.


Remember photographers and art directors, like everyone else, are very busy.Even if they like your look, do not assume they are going to remember you.I get flooded every day with great models requesting to be shot.Frequently it’s just a matter of timing.If a photographer or art director express’s initial interest, ask them if you can contact them periodically.Then come up with your “A” list of people to stay in touch with.I suggest sending update...



Meet Mathew Clark NPC MP Competitor

We are here with Mathew Clark, NPC MP Competitor. MP3What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
I appreciate the opportunity that this new division provides. Without the creation of men's physique, I most likely would have never experienced the thrill of being on stage in competition.

Age: 28

Hometown: Horseheads, New York


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