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Pro or NOT to Pro

If you think that you’re going to be a Pro in the next 6 months, I have a cruel and jarring reality for you….you most likely will not be. That’s the good news! The bad news is that the feeling you are feeling right now after reading that is the strongest thing you have and will motivate you to become a Pro. If this does not sound appetizing to you, than pick a different sport, because there are very few athletes or competitors that just “walked on” an amateur and “walked off” an IFBB Pro. Ask any IFBB Pro and they will tell you the trials and tribulations they had to overcome and the dedication it takes...


Men’s Physique a League of Gentlemen

some of the guys at JR Nationals
Besides just representing the sign to the lavatory, the men’s physique
competitors so far have lived up to the term gentlemen.  I have competed
in 4 shows; 2 regional, 2 national and taken part of several blogs and
groups online to determine the fact that these guys are just genuine and
kind.  My first show comes to mind and proves apparent the distinction
referenced above.  When I went to register for the Atlantic States at 8
am contest day I noticed the hoard of competitors waiting; bodybuilders,
bikini, figure and the new class men’s physique.  The morning could be
described by a quote that came up in the Men's Physique group on face
book, “…up tight ego's, guys mean mugging, air lats every were you turn,
absolutely no eye contact or chatting..” Ryan Fasano, a previous NPC
bodybuilder and now physique competitor, sums up that this was the
feeling and scene he's been accustomed to when bodybuilding, but as his
quote continues, “The camaraderie in the new men's physique is putting

the fire back into me..”


How Badly Do You Want It?

When it comes to getting in shape thereCortsTransformation is no easy road! It's all about making the lifestyle changes necessary in order to achieve the results you want. You have to decide how badly you really want to make the changes and then put the effort & hard work into getting it done.

You must realize results will not come overnight. This is going to take consistency and dedication. That's why it's more important that you change your lifestyle and not just go on a diet or try some other quick solution. Your goal should be results that are going to last a lifetime and make you a healthier person...



Balancing Tomorrow's Goals with Today's Reality

There are times in life when we are given Paramount_logo[1]amazing opportunities to enhance our careers or move forward, entering a new level. However, we all know that with elevated success comes great responsibility, energy and time commitment. We must embrace the challenges and do our best to manage our schedules. Great opportunities do not come around every day so we must take risks in order to move forward in life. Over the next few weeks I will be faced with a difficult challenge. I must find a way to balance my responsibilities with the Slim&FIT, the franchise I am helping build across the country and the stunt work I have recently been hired for by Paramount Pictures...



Distinguished? Or just Old-looking?

Perhaps you have noticed lines and wrinkles imagesthat weren’t there a year ago, or a bit of sagging in the skin on your cheeks and jawline. Alas, this is all a part of aging. However, we all know how much our personal appearance is scrutinized when we are up on stage. To remedy the age-related changes which can creep up, there are a number of options available...


Eating Right Pre and Post

How we eat before and after a lift or strenuous workout imageshas a profound effect on the end result. Simply waking up and heading to the gym sans adequate grub could and probably will make your workout basically worthless. Our bodies need to be properly fueled and when and what to eat is an art and a science. Assuming we all know about complex versus simple carbs, proteins, and fats, let's take a moment to make certain that we are taking in the proper foods to prep for a hard lift. First off, I recommend a good complex carbohydrate rich meal the night before any large lift, especially legs. Due to the amount of energy required to digest complex carbs, eating pastas and rices the night before is an awesome way to get that full feeling the next morning and the energy built up to begin that lift. Otherwise, we wake up feeling empty and the time it takes for foods to kick in may be too late for your workout.  Eating brown rices, multi grain pasta, wheat bread, and even white rice (just contains more sugar), will prep your body for the morning lift. Then, once the athlete wakes up, some simpler sugars like a piece of fruit and and maybe some light carbs like a bowl of cereal is optimal. I, on occasion, will eat an English muffin with some natural peanut butter. Again, this can get tricky as the key to a good workout is to basically slow the digestive system down so energy can be put toward the workout. Warming up adequately also slows it down considerably...


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