With the recession still upon us, I find that many companies and magazines are leaning towards stock photography rather than commission a photoshoot (which is much more expensive). If you are a fitness model, this means that you can take advantage of this situation by commissioning your own photoshoot and then use those images to market yourself to various companies and magazines. If the magazines like the images, direct them to the photographer so that they can finalize the usage rights.
Create the kind of images that are being published today such as studio shots, exercise and lifestyle routines and have them ready for the next big opportunity and keep your portfolio fresh.
I’m going to try to keep this brief because I personally have a short attention span and get bored with reading quickly so I don’t want to subject you all to the same experience. A question I’ve been asked many times this season is how do you get published/land sponsors. Everyone wants some exposure and recognition for all the hard work they put into working on their physique. But the question you should be asking yourselves is “Am I marketable?” What do you have to offer to these companies to make it worth it to them to invest financially in you? Can their customers relate to you?..
I’m going to give you a plan which can work for everyone to help you get great abs! Please keep in mind when you have a destination in mind, it’s always important to remember where you started and stay focused on the journey. For example, if your goal is to travel to Florida from Alaska, your journey will be longer and more challenging than someone who only needs to travel to Florida from Georgia. The point being, it will take some folks longer than others to reach their destination, so “commitment and dedication” are very important!!
The forgotten style…fitness portraits! Hey, not everyone needs an ad for the latest protein powder or fat burner. In the definition of a portrait I found this interesting sentence: “The intent (of a portrait) is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person”. Sometimes your client just wants to capture his or her intensity or passion for their sport. These shoot can often times be the most rewarding.
In this shoot, we have an athlete who just loves his MMA workouts and has changed his life, health and physique by working out at one the local area MMA training facilities. He’s not training to go pro, he doesn’t care about promotion, he just loves the exercise and results...
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