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Meet New IFBB MP PRO Dean Fazzolari

We are here with one of the newest blak and white (1)IFBB Men’s Physique Competitors Dean Fazzolari. Congrats on a great showing and earning your IFBB Card! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? Thank you Ian, it was a 24/7 commitment but worth every minute of it. I started off just bouncing in a club, and I was approached by a fellow bouncer who told me about the Physique Class that is being introduced to the NPC. Now, he had my attention. He explained what it would entail and then I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Dan Hawtin from G-Force. Dan saw my potential for being a Pro in this division. He took me under his wing, welcomed me to the team and put me to work every day while monitoring my diet and figure while he and the rest of the team gave their full support. I trained for my first show 10 days out....


An Emotional Rollercoaster


Competing, like life has it’s up and downs and can be an emotional roller coaster. The journey usual begins with excitement and some uncertainty. As you compete at your first show a lot of emotions come out and a lot of questions are answered. You usually decide if competing is for you. You decide when your next show might be. You decide what type of competitor you want to be. The journey takes many different directions and is different for every single competitor. For me the journey started with competing as a bodybuilder at an amateur local level. I loved competing, but knew I had no interest in being a pro bodybuilder or even trying to be a national level competitor. I realized that to be a pro or even a national level bodybuilder I would have to take my physique to a level I had no interest in taking it to. I just liked the feeling of sculpting my body and pushing myself to create the leanest and most aesthetic body possible. I had come to a point after 10 years where the uncertainty had come back and the excitement had dwindled. Then just as I was thinking of retiring from bodybuilding, Men’s Physique was born...


Train Less and Grow More? What???

Through my own research, personal experience, D211and in working with a wide variety of athletes, I frequently talk about different training splits. With other athletes, I have found we have a similar philosophy….whether they are long distance runners, professional mountain bikers, or my favorite bodybuilding/physique athletes. I find the most successful athletes focus on training splits and the appropriate amount of rest between workouts.


For example, the following is the training split I use most often during the off-season. This training schedule helps me add size, works best for me, and I trust it will be helpful for you as well...



A Fishy Situation

In a fitness competitor, bodybuilder, or just tunaanyone involved in living a very health oriented lifestyle one thing is predominant in our daily diet…and that is protein. However, until recently, I didn’t know just how detrimental to muscle building one of the sources I was taking in could be.

Tuna, although a quick and simple and for a long time “effective” form of on the go protein when in a pinch, can actually be more harmful than helpful. There are different kinds of fish that feed off the bottom of the ocean, otherwise known as “bottom-feeders” that relatively should be avoided. These fish collect a lot of the harmful things lying on the ocean floor and remains in their gut, until we as humans consume them...


Clean Eats That Taste Like Cheats: EZ Whey Cookie Dough

EZ Whey Cookie DoughIMG_0773

By: Emily Zaler Author of The EZ Whey Cookbook

As Seen in Oxygen Magazine August 2011

Who would think you would be able to enjoy “cookie dough” or baked cookies while eating clean? Well with this recipe you now can! With these simple ingredients you can create a delicious treat that fits right in to your meal plan. High in protein, and balanced with both moderate carbohydrates and healthy fat, this recipe is going to help keep you right on track towards your goals of dropping fat and increasing lean muscle mass.



How I Landed My First Magazine Cover

My very first cover-try resulted in landingMEN'S Fitness cover April 04 web the cover of the April 2004 domestic issue of Men’s Fitness magazine.  I guess I didn’t realize it at the time, but that was kind of unique & remarkable, especially now that Men’s Fitness typically only puts celebrities on their covers.  More commonly, fitness models tend to work their way up to landing a national fitness-magazine cover by appearing on several e-magazine or catalog covers first before they’re even considered for a national magazine cover-try.  Yet there I was, inexperienced and naïve somehow landing Men’s Fitness as my first cover!  Was it because I was a genetic Adonis?  Was I simply lucky?  Was it because I was persistent & a proactive self-promoter?  The answer to all these questions was NO!  Obviously I had the ‘look’ necessary to appear on a fit-mag cover, but so did several thousand other guys.  So what set me apart from all of them?


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