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Golden Age of Men’s Physique?

The price of greatness is responsibility. Jr Nats Class A Top 5
W. Churchill

I’m in my supplement shop, NutriFit of Scottsdale, and watching Pumping Iron. Don’t act like you haven’t watched it before. Every single one of you probably watched it over and over again when you were younger and probably still do to this day. Anyway, I’m just coming back from a 3rd place finish at the Jr Nationals this weekend and one of the things I love most about competing are the friendships we form amongst the people we are stepping on stage against. A conversation I had with new IFBB Men’s Physique Pro and someone I now consider a friend, Alex Carneiro, about the Golden Age of bodybuilding is what led me to write this blog. The names you hear from that era are iconic…Lou Ferrigno, Frank Columbu, Serge Nubret, Robbie Robinson and of course Arnold. The best part about that time for them is that they were friends so they got to enjoy the ride together...




Alex Carneiro and Steve Cook have qualified to the IFBB Pro Ranks of the new Men's Physique Division... Right in the mix placing third was MensPhysique.com Contributor Bobby Ashhurst.

More to come...

Alex Carneiro                                                                                                                                                               Steve Cook

179999_677372987362_42112224_37544377_4238586_nsteve cook

Spirit Of A Child...

Remember back to the “Good Old Days”253670_10150217218271338_507686337_7529390_5806016_n when Life was easy and we didn’t have a care in the world? No major responsibility, no stress, no pressure, just FUN! All of us have fond memories of some sort of when we were a Child or smile when we see a Child at play or just having FUN, isn’t it awesome?! Well... Why do WE have to grow up and lose this spirit, the fact is WE DON’T...


How Fitness Models Should Contact Photographers – Part I

[email protected]MusclePerfCover_8_2010_Reiff


Welcome to the first of an ongoing series dedicated to fitness models in reference to; how to get work, be prepared for photo shoots, stay fit, attire, tan, do’s & don’ts and much more.I hope you find the information helpful.


As a fitness model it is very important to contact potential industry photographers and art directors directly.Even if you have professional representation it is always best to do as much personal PR as you can.Remember, no one will take more interest in your career than yourself.


Your first step should be...



Expose Yourself and Get Endorsement Contracts

At MensPhysique.com we are dedicated to helping you use your Physique to propel your Fitness career to the highest possible level. powertec search That’s why I’m telling you to “expose yourself.” I’m not talking about running around in a trench coat with nothing underneath. I’m talking about getting out there and letting people in the fitness industry know who you are! What do you bring to the table that makes a company want you on their team? This is the question you need to ask yourself if you’re looking to land an endorsement deal. There are a number of ways you may find yourself in the limelight as a working fitness model. You can create your own blog and youtube channel. Another easy way to start getting out there is to enter into “searches.”

True, some searches are not going to get you far and the chance of “getting picked up” is slim; but, that is the name of the game. Keep pushing and getting in front of the right people and eventually, if you bring something unique to the table that fits the company AND you are persistent, then you will get your opportunity. You have probably seen tons of these “searches” on Facebook and other websites...



Stabilizing your Delts

Strong delts on anyone makes that person look that much more impressive from the front. And when coupled with properly trained abdominals, thshouldere V-taper effect is awesome looking. Shoulders, however, are very complex. Due to the many angles at which your arm can move, the chance for injury to the shoulder joint is very high. In addition, to work the deltoid muscles properly, the athlete must learn to anchor himself at certain points of the body and focus on targeting all aspects of the deltoids and traps. I prefer a regular bench press bench with the high back as opposed to "shoulder press benches" in which the back is too short and turns the exercise into an incline press. Anchoring the butt and the midpoint of the traps to the chair with a small gap in the lower back is a good form to follow. I also, sometimes, anchor the base of my skull to the back of the bench for that extra contact which places all that emphasis on my delts...


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