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How Reachable Are You?

Recently I started the process of seeking outIMG 4763tagged of a landscape architecture company to design my new backyard. I put messages out to three different companies requesting information and bids for the job on a Monday. Within just two days, three out of the four companies responded with their details, qualifications, and estimates. Still waiting on the fourth company. So, pop quiz; which company is not going to get this job?


Now allow me to reframe this into the modeling world. A company (let’s say a magazine) needs to get a job done and they reach out to service providers to get this done (photographers, makeup artists, stylists and modeling talent). The magazine is on a routine deadline and really wants to hire you to be their cover model. So they send you an e-mail, but after a day or two, they don’t hear back. So the editor then sends a follow up e-mail (if you’re lucky). Maybe they give you a call or shoot you a quick text (if you are really lucky). Perhaps they even then shoot you a follow up message on Facebook (if you are really extremely lucky). And after all that, they still don’t hear back. Pop quiz again; which model is not going to get the job?..


Lose Over 13lbs Without Diet or Exercise!

I have a secret weight loss tip to lose 13lbs per year without dieting, ice water (1)lifting weights, or cardio!! It’s ice water. I know what you’re thinking…here goes Tim talking about the importance of water again. Let me explain the secret. Our bodies must heat up water to our body temperature. To do this we expend calories. It takes about 8000 calories to heat up 8oz glass of water to our body temperature. Now before you get excited and stop working out let me tell you these are “little calories”. The calories we are use to counting are kilocalories. There are 1000 calories in a kilocalorie. So to heat up one 8oz glass of ice cold water it takes 8 calories. So how does this equal 13lbs. Here’s the breakdown:


8oz glass = 8 calories...


Meet Cecil Hill: Overall MP Winner at The Coastal USA Bodybuilding Championships

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I have always been an athlete and that competitive itch to compete never really leaves you. I love the sport of bodybuilding but I am happy about the addition of the Men’s Physique Division because I never really had a desire to be a mass monster in bodybuilding, which seems to be the direction the sport is headed to more and more. I have always liked the aesthetic portion of physique competition more, and that’s why men’s physique is so great. Guys who maintain great shape all year round have an outlet to showcase our physiques and compete.


Healthy Pancakes

I'll be the first one to admit...as a fitness competitorhearty-pancakes-400x400 the same old foods just don't fly ALL the time. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like what I eat every day even though 99% of the time it's the same stuff over in over again, just slightly tweaked a bit here and there. Breakfast can be one of the most repetitive meals for me especially, reverting to the classic eggs and oatmeal, only putting hot sauce or sugar free ketchup on my eggs and cinnamon and maybe a small number of blueberries on my oatmeal. This does get pretty darn boring day in and day out...and sometimes it leaves me craving something like pancakes, but HEALTHY pancakes. So, therefore I leave you one of my favorite recipes that you can really play with to suit your favorite taste/flavor...


Ten Days Out: Eating Plan and Training Split

So here I am 10 days out. This is a point in my 12prep where I’m glad to have a coach to help keep my head on straight. What I mean by that is you can start second guessing yourself. Am I leaning out too fast? Am I not lean enough?? Then you decide to make changes which can be detrimental to your success on show day. I always recommend having a second look!


Life has to come first before competing in most cases, which can also be a major challenge during your prep. For example, I am in the 6th year of my career, and my current month-to-date production is double that of any month prior! This is a great accomplishment, but has meant longer work hours, later nights and earlier mornings. With that being said, this has been and will continue to be the most challenging contest prep for me as well!


That Smile...

Having just returned from The Warrior Classic, an amazingIMG 7239 NPC Competition in Loveland, CO this past weekend I still can’t get That Smile off of my Face and out of my Heart! That Smile that is Unmistakable, That Smile that comes from Deep Inside, That Smile that is Real, That Smile that Changes Lives…


The reason I have That Smile is simple; because I witnessed first hand an entire Team of Athletes with That Smile! I am very fortunate and honored to say that I Coached 13 Competitors on Team 970Muscle who competed in 23 Classes in a large competition with 170 Competitors! You see… That Smile is contagious! Having been alongside with each Competitor throughout their journey made it all that much more special to see them with That Smile on their faces! You know, That Smile when you achieve something that you never thought you were capable of!


When I Coach a Competitor for a Competition, I have 3 Major Goals...


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Mens Physique Contributors

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