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The Myth of "Shaping" the Quads


Ever since I began weight training (bodybuilding) in 1974 - at the age of 14 - I’ve heard countless “recommendations” by pseudo experts, associating specific exercises with certain changes in muscle shape.   Here are just a few:

Doug Brignole on Stage1.  “preacher barbell curls will make your biceps fuller”
2.  “close grip bench presses will work the inner pecs, near the sternum”
3.  “calf raises performed with toes in work the outer calves”

All three of these are false.  There are others too, and I’d like to address them all, at some point.  But today, we’re going to focus on the theory that certain foot positions on the squat, leg press, or leg extensions - will effect the shape our quadriceps....


Meet North American Overall MP Champion Anton Antipov



Joining anton antipovus today is the Overall MP Champ at the North Americans and new IFBB MP Pro Anton Antipov.  Congrats on the big win!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I wanted to compete for a while, but I was always too slim for bodybuilding. Last year I heard about a new division called Men’s Physique, I saw it as a stepping stone towards bodybuilding, but there is so much room to grow in this division that I decided to stay in it and evolve and grow along with the division itself. On New Year’s I made 12 resolutions, one for each month of this year. One of those resolutions was to step on stage and compete in a Men’s physique show. I did that (at Steve Stone Metropolitan Championships 2012 where I got 4th place), but after stepping off stage I was hooked and wanted to go further with the idea, so I made it a goal of mine to see if I can improve and get 1st place. I started signing up for every show I could and the rest is history...


Are You Healthy?

Being healthy life exithealthy is more than just about the way you look. As competitors we focus on the way we look since on stage that is the majority of the judging. The important question is, are you actually healthy? There are many things that go into being healthy. You cannot judge someone’s health by the way they look. Some good looking people are very unhealthy...


Meet MP Competitor Chris White



Today MP1we are chatting with National Level MP Competitor Chris White.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?  
Thanks Ian. Well actually my friend and team mate IFBB pro Dean Michael introduced me to our current coach Dan Hawtin of G-force.  I was looking to get into shape for a photo shoot so I met up with him to get a diet and within minutes of seeing me he said I should look into competing within men’s physique and the rest is history...


“Blast” of the Month: Shoulder Blast "Bullet Proof"

HeyShoulders Septemer 2012 guys, thanks for checking out the September edition of the “Blast of the Month” workout exclusively here on RxMuscle.com. This month we are blasting shoulders, so lets get to it!  Here is this month’s “Blast of the Month!”

“Bullet Proof”

Dumbbell Arnold Press: 75 total reps...


IFBB Valenti Gold Cup: MP Pro Shows Find Their Stride



ThisValenti Callout weekend Florida was home to the most recent MP competition at the pro level.  Early on the MP division at the pro level had some sputtering moments primarily due to a lack of the total number of pro’s available to compete.  It appears these growing pains are a thing of the past as we look at the showing at the IFBB Valenti Gold Cup.

A total of 14 pro’s showed up to display their hard work and board shorts in Sarasota.  Many were on the stage before as pro’s while some were making their first appearance in a contest when money was on the line.
Taking 1st place was...


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Mens Physique Contributors

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