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Know You "Why"

I sawJB5 2742 DMXSJIIWHC[1] a great shirt today at the gym that said "know your why."  The statement really stood out to me because the second most popular question that I get asked (behind “Is Brickhouse really your last name?”) is "Why do you work out so much?" 

I'm happy to share my reasons with anyone that wants to listen, and sometimes even those that don't.  However, knowing my "why" may not be your answer. Whether it’s why you work at a particular job, why you have a particular habit, or even why you are with a certain person, knowing your reasons are what's important...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Dontavious Gray

Dontaviousone Gray’s tale of the Titan Open

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

After I couldn’t play sports anymore due to knee injuries, I used to want to compete in bodybuilding but I did not want that very muscular/vascular look.  When I found out about the Men’s Physique Division two years ago, I knew this was the route for me to finally get on stage and regain the competitive edge I had been looking for.


Building a Solid Foundation: Leg Workout

When 2013-03-28 09.02.08you start building a house, what is the most important part? The foundation.  How about when you build your physique?  What’s the most important part?  Again, the answer doesn’t change – it’s the foundation, a.k.a. your legs.  Without an adequate base, most athletes will be hard pressed to get the strength and power needed throughout the rest of their body as many exercises and routines require powerful legs.  There tends to be a common theme here; if your foundation is weak, your upper body won’t be able to reach its potential either.


Results from 2 Men's Physique Pro Shows

Yesterday was a big day in the IFBB Men’s Physique world.  There were shows on both coasts and each had a very strong turnout.  First up was the IFBB Fort Lauderdale Cup hosted by Shannon Dey of Bombshell Fitness.  Sixteen MP competitors took the stage.  When the dust settled the Top 5 were:

 1.     Matthew ActonMatt Acton Toronto

 2.     Michael Anderson

 3.     Anthony Brigman

 4.     Sheridan Hause

 5.     William Sullivan


This of course means that Matthew Acton has solidified his place on the 2014 Olympia stage and the remaining four competitors have earned points towards that same goal.


On the same day, but starting later on the other side of the country in Culver City, CA was the Titans Grand Prix.  The Titans Grand Prix is one of a multitude of shows that promoter Jon Lindsay has brought to the west coast.  For this highly competitive show, 19 MP PRO’s took the stage.  In a hard fought battle the Top 5 shook out as follows:

     1.       Tyler AndersonTyler Anderson 1

     2.       Matt Christianer

     3.       Xavisus Gayden

     4.       Jonathan Sebastian

     5.       Derek Lemm


These results assure Tyler Anderson his place on the 2014 Olympia stage and the remaining four already have points in the bank with hopes of stepping on that stage.

A big congrats to all of the competitors that from rxmuscle.com that took the stage and brought their very best.  You make us and this division proud!

Back Training with Brickhouse!

TheyDuane Brickhouse say that bodybuilding competitions are won from the back, and I

think that the same can be said about the Men's Physique Division. It

is very important to have developed back muscles due to the fact that

they play a part in both your front and back poses. Here is a routine

that can help you build a wide muscular back so that you can create a

show-winning v-taper:


Off Season Back Training w/Video

Question.Back What is your favorite body part to train ______________?

Chest? Biceps? Legs? Shoulders?

I bet you dollars to doughnuts that very few of your answered “back.” Why, is that? Well, there are several reasons. First, the back isn’t a glamorous muscle like the chest or biceps. Second, building a great back, from top to bottom, takes hard work and effort. And, third, taking ‘selfies’ to show off your back is pretty darn hard. Seriously, you almost need to be contortionist to take a solid back picture.


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