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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Rx Girl

Spotlight On: Bikini Competitor: Natalie Lynn Lichtenbertg

image (2)Spotlight On: Bikini Competitor: Natalie Lynn Lichtenbertg

NPC Bikini

Chicago, Illinois


Muscle Fiber Type

fty200xxMuscle Fiber Type


Moving away from my tendency to speak about the biomechanics of weightlifting and such, I will this time talk about some exercise physiology that I believe you may find interesting.  I’ll say it now, I’m a bodybuilder by day and a nerd by night.  I truly enjoy the science behind the sport.  It intrigues me to see how intricately the body works and how I can change my body by diet and exercise.  Anyways, for this article I want to talk about the two types of muscle fibers, slow twitch (Type I) fibers and fast twitch (Type II) fibers. 


Spotlight On Bikini Competitor: Noy Alexander

DSC 0160Spotlight On: Noy Alexander

NPC Bikini

Las Vegas, Nevada






You're addicted to DOMS and you didn't even know it! What's DOMS? DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness! That is that wonderful feeling that you have the day after a killer workout when you are too sore to sit down or too sore to reach up in the cabinet to reach that bowl.  So that’s great you know you are sore and you had a good workout.  But how does this work?


Sin or Slim's Recipe of the Week: Breadless Mozzarella Sticks

IMG 0424Breadless Mozzarella Sticks

Hey SinOrSlimer’s! Today’s recipe is for a low carb version of mozzarella sticks. These are quick, easy and simple to make and are ready in just 5 minutes! They are crusted with parmesean cheese instead of bread crumbs, making them the perfect keto appetizer or side dish to any meal! Each string cheese stick is cut in half and yields 2 mozzarella sticks so this recipe makes 10 of them. You’ll be surprised at just how authentic they taste!


Spotlight On IFBB Women’s Physique Pro: Joele Smith

DSC 1149 FIYIJJEKOQSpotlight On IFBB Women’s Physique Pro: Joele Smith

Hattiesburg, Mississippi


Candice Keene Back In Prep.....

308574 283719214976786 100000161298812 1462574 5507909 nCandice Keene Back In Prep..........

Hey guys!
Well, I am about two weeks into my prep now and am feeling quite fantastic actually!  The week before I started, I mentally prepped myself so the first week wouldn’t be so bad.  For me, it usually takes me a good week to two weeks to get back in routine and for my cravings to go away.  I also have found myself to be in really good spirits since Day 1 of my prep, so this I believe, will determine how my final outcome will be.  Have a positive attitude people!  As this produces positive results.:)


Spotlight On Figure Competitor: Carly Starling

DSC 8058 MNBRVTDBTYSpotlight On Figure Competitor: Carly Starling

NPC Figure

Wilmington, North Carolina


The Science of Beauty?

science 1The Science of Beauty?

This post if for the scientific minded makeup enthusiasts out there… I have alluded to MANY clients about the balance of their brows.  It ALL relates to symmetry… (see below) Makeup is ART but also science.  There was a big study which assessed that a person is attractive because of their symmetry.  See the findings of surgeon Stephen Marquadt here…


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