

Spotlight on: IFBB Pro Nicole Reynolds


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Charleston, South Carolina is having a bit of a bodybuilding moment. Long home to the Junior USA’s, the Holy City is producing some quality bodybuilding talent. One of those talents is IFBB Pro Nicole Reynolds. Reynolds just won her pro card at NPC Universe in July and she relishes competition in all forms.


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“I played every sport you can think of,” Reynolds told me with a laugh. “I just have that competitive drive.” A veteran of the United States Air Force, Reynolds has always loved working out.

She won her first show in 2012, after her sergeant encouraged her. “He was so adamant that I could do it…after a while I was just like ‘I can do this!’”


Reynolds claims that there are two types of competitive people: those with an athletic mindset and those without. “It’s a different drive for those who were athletes. I don’t know if it’s the team mentality, but for me, its like a switch turns on that says ‘I want to win.” Team is not usually something associated with bodybuilding. Reynolds sees that as the biggest challenge: “It’s all on you. In my mind, I’m chasing Nicole Wilkins, so I have to hold myself to a high standard to compete with the best.”


stageAs a fairly new competitor, Reynolds maintains that it’s not always easy to maintain that kind of drive. “I personally tend to cut easily so I have to watch myself to maintain muscle. Plus my sister is a chef so dieting with my family is a torture.” Living in Charleston, a place known for its great food, as a competitor would be a challenge for most. Not Reynolds. “I may love my Chik-fil-a, but I like being lean and hard more.” One of Reynolds’ goals for the future is to write a fitness cookbook with her sister. She is appreciative of all of the support she gets from her whole circle. Family is one of the things Reynolds works so hard for, especially her daughter. “I love her with everything I have, so of course I want to make her proud and show her you can be strong in more ways than one.”

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With a strong motivation and competitive drive, Nicole Reynolds will continue to work hard for what she wants. Having earned her Bachelor of Science degree in alternative medicine, she plans on starting school in the fall for clinical massage therapy to add to her credentials. Having recently won her pro card, Reynolds says that her usual routine and discipline will get her to that next step, whatever it may be. “I’d love to be a published fitness model…who knows what’s next?” Keep your eyes out, Nicole Reynolds may be on a magazine cover sooner than you think.


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