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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On Figure Competitor: Carly Starling

Spotlight On Figure Competitor: Carly Starling

Category you compete in: Figure Class DFRONTcompcard version01

 Date of birth: July 5, 1980

 Hometown: Wilmington, North Carolina

 Career: Bartender/Server at a DiRONA establishment(Distinguished Restaurant of North America)

  If you could change into s superhero for a day who would you be and why?

 I would have to say Elektra. She actually doesn't have any superhuman powers but has the elite skill of martial arts. (Which I've always wanted to learn) She projects physical and mental strength through her gifts. Her main objective is to assassinate terrorists and if I could at least help our world out in one way for one day I'm gonna be bad a$$ doing it. hahahahha!

 What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?

Most of my life I have struggled with weight and body image, as most women do. In High school is when I really found out I loved to lift.  I never was involved in sports 100% .I played with track, swmming, dance,and gymnastics growing up but never comitted to anything on a serious level.  Ive always tried so hard to be a "skinny" girl, but my body just wouldnt respond. No matter how hard I tried my legs WOULD NOT get smaller. I had a natural muscular build in my lower body and a pear shape that I just couldnt shake. I came to terms with how my body was and decided to switch gears and and start seriously training. If I couldnt have one thing I was gonna shoot for another and that was a muscular yet feminine physique. At the age of 26, I hired a trainer and the idea of competing was brought up. I didnt think twice, if competing was gonna give me the body I knew I could have, I was ready. Clearly since then its been about so much more. I have fallen in love with this sport from show to show knowing I can set goals and obtain them with true diligence and extreme dedication.

 What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?

Since I began competing it has been trial and error for me. Even  with my prep for Nationals this year. I started with a new trainer/coach,Trae Kidd and we kind of had to play with some things week by week. It seems that carb cycling works for me as well as cycling with fats. During the last four weeks it was pretty much just fish and asparagus and every third day I would get some macadamia nuts or oats,depending on how I looked. We still havent found the perfect formula but I think we are getting close.

 What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?

I would have to say that the biggest misconception is that we all do drugs. Which is fustrating and annoying considering the fact that I am completley natural and always have been. People are so ignorant that they think we just take a certain drug and we magically have lean, muscular or toned body. They dont realize the amount of work that goes into what we do and that there is so much more to it then what they can even wrap their mind around.

 What is your most embarassing childhood memory?IMG 8621

My most embarassing childhood memory probabley was when I was in the 5th grade and I started to reach puberty( I developed before everbody else, mind you) lets just say when I should have been wearing a training bra, I wasnt. One day, the boy I had a huge crush on for forever was like,"ummmm, you need to put a bra on!!!"  I wanted to die!!

  What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during contest prep?

I feel like im always learning new things about myself with each show. This last prep I learned that it can never just be about winnning. Thats hard for me because the ultimate goal(at this point in my competing career) IS to win!! I want that pro card more than anything! However I know if I am not careful I will set myself up for devistation if I dont. So I have to have long talks with myself and evaluate other reasons for competing. Although being structured and organized are great reasons, I found that ive also learned I can push myself past my own limitations. Beyond what I thought I could ever do. In achieving this it shows me I can accomplish so much more in my day to day life. That I can be and do anything I set my mind to.

 Who do you look up to and admire and why?

I would have to say Nicole Wilkins. Im sure alot of girls and women look up to her. She is number one in the world right now, but I admire her for her intelligance as a business woman. She markets her self in a very respectful way. This woman sets goals and hits them left and right. She is the most disciplined person Ive ever inquired about. She stays structured and remains on a very clean diet year around day in and day out. Even though she is the best, she is always finding ways to be better. To me, that is a true champion.

 Competition history:2007 Golds Classic-Wilmington, NC-1st Place... 2007Atlantic Coast Crystal Cup Raleigh,NC-2nd Place..2008 NC State Championships Greensboro,NC-1st Place and Overall...2008 Jr.USA's Charleston,SC-16th Place...2010 Charlotte Cup Charlotte, NC-4th Place...2010 Golds Classic Wilmington, NC-1st Place...
2010 Team Universe- Hackensack, NJ-16th Place...2010 North Americans Cleveland, OH-10th Place...2010 Nationals Atlanta, GA-7th Place...2011 Nationals Miami, FL-3rd Place

 Next Competition: 2012 Jr. USA's

 Favorite Motivational quote:

"If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence to anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and strengths...Our limitations begin in our hearts"

 DSC 8058 MNBRVTDBTYWho would you like to thank?

First and most importantly,  I would love to thank God, My Savior. Without  Him I would not exist. And without Him I would not have the opportunity to do what I do. He has closed many doors so that many more could open and allow me to follow my heart. My strength comes from him in all aspects of my life. Ive learned to trust Him, understand Faith and most important to love myself.

Second I wanna thank my Coach and Trainer, Trae Kidd owner of Insane Physiques. He saw something in me before we ever began working together and throughout these past few months before I stepped on stage he truley believed in me.  He has pushed me farther than I ever thought Icould go! Without him I would still be treading water. I look forward to a bright and extremley successful future with him.

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