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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Rx Girl

The Art of Shameless Self Promoting - Part 1

FigureSmileThe Art of Shameless Self Promoting - Part 1

You dieted. You did loads of double cardio. You placed pretty well in your competition. Now it’s all over…and it seems no one remembers your name. Why is that?
Why is it important to self promote?  Magazines today are generally focused on only using winners of the biggest national and international competitions. Fresh faces aren’t getting opportunities like they once used to, so now it’s up to YOU to get your name out there . However, there are many ways to be seen these days. And lucky for you, the internet is open 24/7 to the whole wide world.


Joint Articulation in Terms of Injury Prevention Part 2: The Knee

knee-anterior-blownJoint Articulation in Terms of Injury Prevention

Part 2: The Knee

As a kid I played soccer and usually didn’t think twice about going in for the slide tackle, going foot to foot with someone twice my size or running head on colliding with other players.  However, in the eyes of just about every child and adolescent as far as they are concerned they are superman/woman, unable to be injured and essentially invincible.  However, as I have grown older I have learned that just being a beast and having no fear doesn’t mean that you can’t get seriously injured.  And as I am sure you have all come to know as well, being injured is nowhere near any kind of fun.  But good news for us weightlifters, there are many things we can do to prevent injuries!


Raechelle Chase Back On Track: Your Best Year Yet

 photo-8729Raechelle Chase Back On Track: Your Best Year Yet

How can you get on track and stay on track with your training and make this your best year yet? Raechelle Chase tells us how…

  I love the New Year… it’s the holiday season and the season of new beginnings.

There is much to love. The long summer days hanging out with family and friends, the barbecues, the beach fun. But what I love most about this time of year, in terms of my training and life in general, is using the New Year as an opportunity to refocus. That is the beauty of a new year ahead – no matter what happened last year, the slate is wiped clean and 2012 marks a new year, a new raft of possibility.

  However, the holiday season can also be a challenging time for training. The temptation is always there when we take a break – the temptation to over-indulge, as well as lose focus. So how can we stay on track to make sure we start the New Year off well?


Spotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sue Knott

rx muscle relaxSpotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sue Knott

Columbus, Ohio


Candyce Graham Stay Hungry for The Arnold Stage: The Fire Inside

IMG 0091Candyce Graham Stay Hungry for The Arnold Stage: The Fire Inside

Oh what a journey it has been!! Olympia and now Bikini International!! I’m beyond excited and blessed to be one of the beautiful women invited to compete at the Arnold Sport Festival. It was like yesterday I dreamed of walking across the infamous Arnold stage and in 8 weeks I will get the opportunity to do so. Wow!

The crazy thing is that I had no idea I was invited until I received numerous text messages from friends, while at work, saying congratulations.I remember thinking to myself, what the heck did I do!?! Did I win the lottery? LOL! Little did I know, I had won the Arnold lottery:)!!!


The Nervous System and How It Applies To Training

big nervous systemThe Nervous System and How It Applies To Training


As you all may know, or at least I hope you know, the body contains different systems that operate in conjunction with other systems and also act independently from other systems. These systems include the circulatory system, the nervous system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the respiratory system and so on. The thing you may not know is that the muscular system is not the only thing responsible for those awesome muscles that you are trying to grow and develop. Muscles are actually directly affected and innervated by the nervous system, the peripheral nervous system to be exact. To discuss how muscular gains are dependent on the nervous system, it will first be beneficial to discuss the basic components of the nervous system that are directly related to the muscle itself.


Spotlight On IFBB Pro Bodybuilder: Amber DeFrancesco

amber defrancesco at the 2009 npc nationalsSpotlight On IFBB Pro Bodybuilder: Amber DeFrancesco

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Spotlight On IFBB Fitness Pro: Jodi Boam

UntitledSpotlight On IFBB Fitness Pro: Jodi Boam

Hamilton, Canada


Crossfit?! What's All This Crossfit Hoopla Anyway?


DSC 0138Crossfit?! What's All This Crossfit Hoopla Anyway?


Crossfit has become very popular in the world of health and fitness. The students of this unique training system are borderline fanatical about crossfit, and the results speak for themselves as many of the athletes that train with crossfit are in great shape both functionally and aesthetically.  Crossfit found it’s roots as a training system for military special forces, police academies, elite martial artists, and other professional athletes.  It is designed to be scalable for people of all levels, meaning programs that the elite military personnel would perform would be the same as your grandmother would perform but the intensity would be much different obviously as would the strength implements.  The programs consist of running, sprinting, body weight movements, Olympic lifts, strongman implements, gymnastics, kettle bell movements, throwing, rowing, climbing and more!


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