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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sue Knott

Spotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sue Knott


Category you compete in: FigureSue-1

Date of birth: 7/13/1977

Hometown: Columbus, OH

Career: Administrative Assistant, The Ohio State University Medical Center. I feel very lucky to have a job assisting 2 amazing cancer surgeons. The staff that I work with and their patients bring such a unique perspective to my life. There are several moments each week that just make you stop to catch your breath or realize the important things in life.

How does your family respond to your competing? I have always had support from my family and friends in anything that I do. They will tell you that my figure competitions and lifestyle are sometimes difficult to fully understand and relate to. But they are always there to cheer me on.


What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term? After a long season of 4 shows in 2011, ending with an overall figure championship at the North Americans and a pro card, my goals have jumped to a whole new level. Short term is a very exciting pro debut at The Arnold. Being able to share this moment in my hometown with so many family and friends is priceless. Long term would be continuing to push myself both in and out of the gym. I’m looking forward to competing on the professional level and hope one day to make it to the other big stage – Olympia. Outside of the gym, my big challenge is the balancing act of work, competition lifestyle and family/friends. Competing does bring sacrifices, mostly on your time but I try to stay connected to those important relationships in my life.

What's currently on your iPod? I actually don’t workout with headphones. I think it’s my former gymnastics background but I feel like they get in my way. Morning low intensity cardio is done at home usually walking on the treadmill with Sports Center. I’ve always been a pretty big jock. Sometimes I’ll read a fitness magazine or check in with friends. After work weight training is whatever the gym is playing. I like a little bit of everything, but my favorites are dance and hip hop. I like a good beat to keep me moving.Sue-2

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world? I enjoy all sports – watching and playing. I’m a huge Buckeye fan and go to many football and basketball games. Spending time with friends shopping, dancing and just hanging out. I also enjoy traveling when I can get away.

Do you have a favorite exercise? I like plyometrics and ab training. Probably since it reminds me of my gymnastics practices and I miss those workouts more than I thought I would. I just wish I had kept up with that type of training.

Competition history:

My first show was in October 2005, NPC Monster Mash. I have competed in 16 NPC figure shows (9 Local and 7 National Level)

Most Recent Placings and Honors

2008 Natural Ohio Figure Overall

2009 IFBB North American Figure Class D 3rd Place

2011 Kentucky Derby Figure Overall

2011 Junior USA Figure Class D 2nd Place

2011 Junior National Figure Class D 2nd Place

2011 IFBB North American Figure Overall – earned IFBB Pro Card


Sue-3Next competition:

2012 Arnold Figure International

Favorite Fitness Tip:

Keep moving with lots of variety – different exercises, angles, workout options, etc. You have to keep your body guessing and your mind sharp. Plus variety helps you from getting bored with the same old routine. I recently tried yoga last year and was hooked. I just wish I had more time to fit it in. But any chance I get I will try out a new sport, class or training idea.

Who would you like to thank?

There are many people over the years that have helped and guided me to where I am today. Family and friends who have stood by me every step of the way – some are still holding my hand and others are always with me in my heart.

I have 2 very special coaches who have helped me to achieve my competition success and continue to push me to new levels – Mike Davies and Jason Theobald. I was introduced to Jason with Natty Nutrition in 2008 as I was prepping for my first National level show – Team Universe. When I first started competing, I was always on a very high protein/low carb diet plan year round. Jason transformed my nutrition beliefs and I now have a much more balanced diet. With his plans, I come into my shows with great conditioning. In 2009, I was looking for a change with my workouts and decided to contact Mike Davies.   I am a true hard gainer and his workouts have made a tremendous impact on my physique over the past few years, adding much needed muscle. I also attend Mike’s weekly posing sessions. It’s all about that overall package on stage. Both Mike and Julie Palmer have helped me to really shine on stage. Their tips and watchful eye have helped me reach the pro level. I truly have great mentors to guide me along my journey with diets, training, and presentation.

Lastly would be the friendships that I have made over the past few years in this industry. There are many great competitors who I travel with, workout with and stay connected with to help motivate me. They make this whole journey super special.


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