Mens Physique Articles

“Blast” of the Month: Leg Blast AKA DeadLegz

Heylegs guys, thanks for checking out this month’s “Blast of the Month” workout exclusively here on MensPhysique.com & RxMuscle.com. We had a great response to last month’s “Levels” workout, so for this month I kept with the same structure. This time we’re hitting legs and were hitting them HARD! I’m not going to waste any more time, let’s get into this “Blast of the Month!”


Barbell Squats: 15, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
Increasing weight with each set. Go heavy here, first two sets are warm-ups.
---superset with---
Leg Extensions: 20, 20, 20, 20
Use a moderate weight following the heavy squats.
---superset with---
Body Weight Stationary Lunges: 30, 30, 30, 30
Finish off the first tri-set with body weight lunges, 30 on each leg...


Sprint to Grow


If sprintingsprinting is not part of your routine, it certainly ought to be.  If you have been having trouble losing those extra pounds and building lean muscle and are in the gym working out consistently while eating right, the problem just may lie in your speed.

You may have noticed the difference in physiques between long distance runners and sprinters. Part of this is due to the long hours training which put the muscles of many endurance runners in a catabolic state.  As muscle mass increases, the body’s metabolism does as well.  In contrast, the loss of muscle mass slows metabolism.


You Think You Want to Compete? Steps to Take Before You Commit


The Jr Nats Class A Top 5allure of competing in physique shows draws thousands of participants every year.  The industry has changed over time and with the sudden rise of health clubs and gyms being established every day across the nation, more and more people are undertaking the challenge of testing their abilities on stage.  

Every individual stands to benefit from undertaking goals as they relate to fitness, health and bodybuilding.  For many, this comes in the form of Physique competitions.  When done properly competitions offer the unique advantage of setting a goal and sticking to a training and nutrition plan that allows you to achieve it.  


Meet MP Competitor Jeremiah Towery



Joining FCPOTW2us today is Jeremiah Towery.  Welcome to the ranks of those that have competed on the national stage!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Thanks, although I really wanted to finish a bit better than I did. I Love to compete as an athlete and with my career this is about the only thing I can manage to give my all to, plus being taller than most body builders I think the criteria fits my physique.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition in which you just competed?
Well I really was looking towards having a great showing, but it didn't turn out that way. I thought I was going to be upset; but, I really wasn't.  I wanted to learn everything I could to become what it takes to be a PRO!


Embrace The Difficulties!


HowDerek NPC Jr USA 2012 many times do you hear someone that you know within the Fitness Industry complaining about the difficulties of competing, modeling, training, dieting, etc…? Well, if you follow any Social Networking Site or have a large circle of Fitness Friends, I’m sure that you have heard your fair share of this. The truth of the matter is just like the old adage says; nothing that is worth having is easy! This is true of the Fitness Industry, just as it is true of ANY Industry and when you get right down to it, there are no secrets or shortcuts and really anything works, it is just that most people give up before they are successful!  The key to all of this is realizing that it is ultimately our choice and the times in our lives were we are actually forced to do something are very rare, the trick is to learn to embrace the adversities and realize that they are paving the way to success! Yes, Embrace the Difficulties! It is no different than bringing up a lagging body part or working on our weak links, when you embrace and learn to enjoy the difficulties; everything becomes that much more enjoyable and consequently that much easier!


Physique Science Update: Regeneration Regimen

Physiqueblak and white (1) Science Update

How many sets, how many reps, which exercises? How much protein, which supplements and what’s your take on carbohydrates? Training, Nutrition and Supplementation are probably the most common topics physique athletes are talking about. But when was the last time you heard someone talk about his or her ‘regeneration regimen’? Especially among semi-professional athletes the notion that you can out-train your regenerative capacity is still receiving way too little attention.

Tapering, a Viable Strategy to Keep Gaining Strength and Give Your Body Time to Recuperate...


ABS: Getting to the CORE of the Matter


Often ABS 2I witness poor or incorrect form being practiced in the gym and ultimately this will lead to those people having a weak core.  But what is the core? It is comprised of the muscles that provide core stability.  These are the muscles that link the abdominal region, to the shoulder girdle, and also the pelvic region.

Different experts include different muscles in relation to the core but in general the muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso. The following list includes the most commonly identified core muscles as well as the lesser known groups.


Physique Science Update: DHEA



100mg DHEA Per Day Can Protect Skeletal Muscle From Damage During Short Phases of Intensified Training 

In dheaone of their latest papers researchers from the University of Texas at Austin report the adrenal hormone and steroid precursor dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) had  profound ameliorative effects on the exercise induced skeletal muscle damage in 16 young college aged men who completed a 5-day mixed-type (5x steady state cardio + 5x strength training + 1x shuttle run / HIIT) exercise protocol [1]. The 100mg/day of supplemental DHEA the subjects in the active arm of the study received totally blunted the profound creatine kinase increase (+300%) on day 4 of the intervention and lead to sustained increases in serum DHEA and transient increases in serum testosterone levels, which reached statistical significance only in the first two days of the experiment...


Jr. Nationals 2012 Results are in! Meet The New Pro's!

AnotherSadik Hadzovic big weekend in the Men’s Physique Division has just passed by.  This was only the second chance of 2012 for National Level MP Competitors to turn Pro.  This year they doubled the number of height classes up to four.  The NPC also doubled the number of cards awarded this year at the Jr. National’s to four from only two cards in 2011.  

There were 90 plus competitors spread over the four divisions.  This is a monster turn-out for the Jr. Nationals and more than doubles last year‘s number of competitors. This is more proof that the division is continuing to grow.  The IFBB MP Competitions have sputtered a bit as of late due to the limited pool of MP Pro’s we currently have.  As the amount of Pro’s continues to grow, you will see the IFBB MP Competitions increasing in popularity and frequency similar to the way it has taken off like wildfire in the NPC.  The new Pro's are...


Meet IFBB MP Pro Guy Marquardt



MENS PHYSIQUE: 1124239997 V6sFY-MJoining us today is one of the newest IFBB MP Pro's Guy Marquardt. Congrats on a great showing earning your card at the Jr. USA's!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

GUY MARQUARDT: In 2010 I competed in the GNC Natural Colorado open, after winning a gimmie trophy for 2nd place (there was only the two of us in my class) I spoke with the judges to see what I needed to bring up to have a better placing, all of the judges other than one said with my height they wanted to see 20+lbs on my frame. That’s when I knew bodybuilding was not going to be for me. I was ready to quit competing for the near future and then I heard that there was going to be a Men’s Physique division, I knew instantly this was going to be my division.


The Quantum Component



In TomTthe grand scheme of developing the perfect chest, abs, legs or butt and all the MACRO stuff we’ve been taught it takes to do that – the nutrition, the workouts, the rest and recovery and even the overall mind-set - there is one quantum component that is often underestimated or overlooked.

This quantum component is the smallest part of something larger and that larger component along with other larger components makes up an even larger part of your overall effort.

The quality of this simple micro component when linked together with other micro components of its kind may have the single most profound impact on your ability to create the physique you want.  Curious to know what this Vital Quantum Component is?


Vitamin B: 101

As I continue to compete, I have noticed the side effects of simply not taking enough B Vitamins. Here is a simple breakdown of the many types and where they can be found in natural food sources.

Vitamin B1 vitamin B-1 Thiamine– This enhances blood circulation, helps in blood formation.   It also helps with metabolism of carbohydrates while assisting to maintaining appetite and normal digestion. B1 is essential for a well functioning nervous system as well as proper function of the heart and muscular system.

Found In: Whole grain cereals, peas, beans, peanuts, legumes, brewer's yeast, almonds and egg yolk.


Compound Exercises: Good or Bad ?



One of squatthe questions I frequently hear asked is whether or not I “like” compound exercises.  That’s a very broad question; it’s like asking if I like beverages.  It depends on the exercise.  Some I like, and some I don’t.  But let me be clear - this particular discussion is specifically for the purpose of building the physique.  It’s not for those who use resistance training as preparation for a particular sport, and it’s not for those whose goal it is to lift the maximum amount of weight.  It’s for those who want to maximally develop the physique with the least amount of wasted effort, and the least amount of unnecessary risk of injury.


What Models Should Know About Lighting

I IMG 3835taggedjust finished presenting a seminar to college photography students on lighting. We went through a variety of lighting set ups and how each impacts the model we were photographing. We talked about the types of lighting, the ratios of lighting, and how to modify the light to our benefit as artists.

It occurred to me afterwards that a significant portion of what I was discussing could be beneficial to talents who are new to the industry or are not used to being on set a lot. Thus, here are three simple things a model should know about lighting.


Is Men’s Physique Doomed?


I junior usa'shave been hesitant to write on this topic, but with the latest announcements of 2 pro Men’s Physique shows being cancelled now is the time. As I write this the Nebraska pro cancellation was just posted and last week the Toronto pro was cancelled, both due to low number of athletes wanting to compete. There has been much controversy with the division just like any division that is new in the NPC. We knew there would be growing pains, unhappy competitors, and judging criteria changes. I am happy to say I have been part of history to be involved in this division. I competed in some of the first local shows in my state and I competed at the first 2 national shows. And I have been able to help many men’s physique competitors step on stage and reach their dream of competing. I am writing this with the intent to voice my story and my thoughts, the thoughts of others, and the facts. This is not to upset anyone or to take away from anyone’s victories or accomplishments.


Glorious Glutamine

MostGlutamine of you know by now that glutamine is essential for muscle growth and recovery, but this substance is quite a powerhouse for a multitude of essential body functions.  Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the human body, present in concentrations three to four times greater than any other amino acid.   It comprises more than 60% of skeletal muscle and is the preferred nitrogen transporter in muscle cells, creating a positive nitrogen balance.  Glutamine plays a vital role in protein synthesis and prevents muscle depletion.  It is actively metabolized in nearly all tissues of the body and preserves cell volume.


LEVELS: Blast of The Month CHEST TIME


I 09 Ryan Hughes-3hope you all are having a great year so far as we move into the summer months! I know everyone is always looking for new workouts, training styles, etc. and I recently introduced my “Blast Training System” on my website, www.HughesFIT.com. Since it’s release many have adapted the training system into their training regimen with great results!

As I said last month, I will be bringing a fresh, new “Blast” workout here, exclusively for MensPhysique.com readers/followers. Last month, I introduced you all to a Push/Pull style workout, “Swollen,” which many of you tweeted, emailed and posted that you enjoyed. This month, I am bringing you all a brand new Chest Blast workout entitled “Levels.” Just in time for summer!


Meet MP Competitor Mychal Beauchamp


Derek: 524025 441939872487251 153047521376489 96023975 523218341 nJoining us today is Mychal Steven Beauchamp.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Mychal: Thanks! I have competed in bodybuilding in the past and Men’s Physique is up and coming so I thought I’d give it a shot and see how I liked it. I loved it!!! I like how your stage presence and personality plays a part in winning because that IS a part of the total package.


D: Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
M: April 14, 2012 was the First National qualifier of the year in Colorado!


Interview with NPC California State Championship's MP Overall Winner David Kimmerle

Ian: We David-Kimmerle-fatare here with David Kimmerle, winner of the 2012 NPC Cal Championships. Thanks for joining us David.

David: Thanks for having me.

I: How did you feel going into the competition and what were you expecting?

D: I felt pretty good about my prep for the NPC CAL, I held myself accountable with all my tricks. My diet had me a little nervous as I was trying a new way of dialing in but I think it worked.


Just Do It… For YOU!

How 463280 444604208887484 153047521376489 96035589 935150514 omany times do you hear someone say that they are doing something to show someone else or to prove their “Haters” wrong? We all probably hear this a lot more than we should! With all of the wonderful people and things that we all are surrounded by, what we should be focusing on is all of the good, all of the Positive! We need to realize that everything and I mean everything ultimately comes down to us! No matter how supportive someone is in our lives, they simply cannot do it for us and ultimately it comes down to what we want and what we are willing to do!


What Models Should Know About Photo Rights

You IMG 3144webget your portfolio images in from a photographer and are ready to get cracking on putting them to work for you. But, are you allowed to print these images? Are you allowed to use them on a business card or comp card? What if a magazine wants to run them, can you permit that? What if a company wants to use the image of you for their commercial purpose, what then?
You may be thinking “wait a second, I paid for these images, so they are mine!”


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