Sprint to Grow


If sprintingsprinting is not part of your routine, it certainly ought to be.  If you have been having trouble losing those extra pounds and building lean muscle and are in the gym working out consistently while eating right, the problem just may lie in your speed.

You may have noticed the difference in physiques between long distance runners and sprinters. Part of this is due to the long hours training which put the muscles of many endurance runners in a catabolic state.  As muscle mass increases, the body’s metabolism does as well.  In contrast, the loss of muscle mass slows metabolism.

A 2011 study by The European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that there was a greater effect on fat burning and growth hormone production, the longer a subject trained above 80 percent of their heart rate maximum, the anaerobic threshold.   The study found that high intensity training (sprinting) produced a longer period spent above the anaerobic threshold versus a longer steady state workout which was below the threshold (jogging).

A 2006 cycling study in the Journal of Applied Physiology also found that sprint interval training increased muscle oxidative potential and endurance capacity while a Laval University study found that subjects who engaged in high intensity training lost three times more fat than subjects who engaged in low intensity training, despite the fact that the low intensity group trained longer and burned more calories.

There is no shortage of studies showing the benefits for the purposes of muscle growth of sprinting versus long distance training.  Not only can you build more lean muscle mass and drop weight, it will also reduce the duration of your cardio session.  Also remember, this is not simply confined to running but to any form of cardiovascular exercise, be it running, swimming, rowing, etc.

Try any one of these sprinting workouts to light the torch to burn away the fat and build a better body!

10 x 200 meter sprints
1 minute rest in between

10 x 500 meter sprints
1 minute rest in between

10 x 50 meter sprints
1 minute rest in between

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