Mens Physique Articles

How To” Guide on eating the Right Food, at the Right Time

PreppingTim Roberts for my competitions has shown me one simple fact, which is that you don’t have to kill yourself in order to get into killer shape. Applying some easy guidelines on “When” and “What’ to eat will help you a great amount.

Below I have listed some key points of the day where utilizing food intake will make a major difference.

Breakfast – the body has been in a fasting for about 12 hours. Now is a good time to throw in some…


Bizzaro World: THE LIFE


I’vegraded lessons book been wanting to write this for quite some time. It amazes me how times change and the way people’s perceptions of things change. We also become more knowledgeable and unfortunately we also become less knowledgeable. We see examples of it all around in our society today. I believe we are living in a Bizzaro World. The topic I would like to touch on here is the way we view foods and health.

100 years ago the average person was more knowledgeable about food and healthy eating than we are these days.


Having a dislike for the “likes”

Stop facebook thumbs upme if this sounds familiar...
You get a friend request on Facebook from someone who you may not have met previously, but have a few mutual friends in common. You attempt to engage this person in conversation, perhaps to learn a little more about what they do. Yet instead of sending you a real response, you get the following:
LIKE my page please!!
Now imagine that a few months have gone by. You get another one sentence Facebook message from the same person.


“Blast” of the Month: Arm Blast

Heytricep side guys, thanks for checking out the August edition of the “Blast of the Month” workout exclusively here on RxMuscle.com. This month we are blasting arms, so lets get to it!  Here is this month’s “Blast of the Month!”

“Sun’s Out…”

Cable Curls: 100 total reps
Start it off with some cable curls for 100 total reps, as many sets as it takes. Use a moderate weight here...


Weight Gain Mode, Shred Mode and Maintenance Mode


Weight Gain ModeIMG 5370
I started working out at a weight of 120-ish pounds in my early 20's.  I had the hardest time putting on size.  I went through a lot of resources to finally learn how to put on weight the right way.  At first, my experience of weight gain was eating food like KFC or McDonald's.  I did put on weight but I was also carrying a lot of body fat.  The more I worked out and saw results, the more I wanted to compete in bodybuilding, which I finally registered for back in 2004.  It took me about 4 years to prep because when I started, I weighed at about 150lbs.  I did a lot of research on nutrition from bodybuilding magazines and sites to asking the trainers at Gold's Gym in Pasadena who have competed before.  I got great advice from them using my own body as an experiment...


Collagen Controversy: Is This Protein For You?


Though Collagen Proteincollagen is not the most popular sports protein source, a number of sports supplement companies use it as part of their formulations, and in a couple of instances showcase this ingredient.  There have been claims suggesting that hydrolyzed collagen may promote the oxidation of fat while promoting the preservation of lean muscle mass.  In addition, collagen is believed to provide important amino acids that serve as building blocks to help strengthen connective tissues throughout the body, thus restoring elasticity to tendons, ligaments and skin.  However, the controversy surrounding collagen is significant, and those who currently ingest collagen, whether for nutritional protein supplementation or for restoration of skin and ligament integrity may wonder if this pricey protein is simply a waste of money...


Options in Training Frequency

Over overhead tricep extensionsthe years, one of the subjects most discussed is the issue of how frequently one should work a given body part.  When I first started training in 1974 (at the age of 14), many of the bodybuilding magazines (...the early versions of Muscular Development, Iron Man Magazine, Strength and Health, Muscle Builder Power, etc.) often printed profiles of the top names at the time, along with their workout programs.

In the mid 70s, the popular belief was that a bodybuilder should ideally train a body part three times per week.  For example, it was common to see an article about Arnold Schwarzenegger, outlining his workout program as follows:


History in the Making. Report from the NPC USA's.


This is one of the biggest weekends for the Men’s Physique division in history.  At the Los Angeles Championships last weekend show promotor Jon Lindsay introduced the use of 6 Height classes in the MP Division.  The turnout at that show certainly warranted the need for this many classes.  He has brought the same number of classes to the USA’s this weekend in Vegas.  This is the first Pro Qualifier to have as many height classes.  Furthermore there will be two Pro Cards issued to the top two in each height class.  That totals out to 12 cards for MP Competitors this weekend…the most in NPC/IFBB MP History!  


Competition Tanning: Insider Tips From the Experts

Anyone who has ever attended at physique competition knows that an essential element of the process is getting a spray tan.  In order to perform well, you need to present yourself on stage in the best way possible and one element in doing that is spray tanning prior in order for the judges to easily see your physique.  Competitors often have many questions regarding spray tanning.  In this interview, I sat down with Business Owner Katie Tipton of Aglow Tanning for tips and advice on how to get the best spray tan possible.

How does a competition tan differ from a regular spray tan?
A competition tan is much more complex than a regular spray tan...


Meet MP Competitor Critelli "Critter" Scatolini



Joining IMG 2136us today is the guy they call “Critter, Critelli Scatolini.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I have friends who compete and they pretty much forced me to do it... I'm naturally a very shy person so the first competition was very hard for me...

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you just competed?
It was The L.A. Championships in Culver City. I have competed in 4 shows in the past 6 weeks and this one had the highest caliber of competitors yet..  All the athletes deserved to place in my opinion....


Get Over It

Like hurdlethe achievement of anything worthwhile your pursuit of a sexy, healthy and lean body is going to be met with a few obstacles.  Your ability to successfully hurdle all those obstacles will mean the difference between success and failure, frustration and celebration.

A man who knows a thing or two about getting over hurdles once said - when asked about tapping into potential -

       When asked about “potential” legendary Olympic Gold Medalist Edwin Moses once said:

          “Lots of people let it go by… and never accomplish what they want.”

Moses knew that during any given race he would have to face and get over 10 specifically spaced hurdles, to get to the finish line and exploit his potential - you don’t have the luxury of being able predict how many, what kind or even when or where you’ll encounter your obstacles.
Which put’s your first obstacle – and it’s a BIG one - directly on your path... 


Meet MP Competitor Brian Harris



JoiningBrian Harris 2 us today is National Level MP Competitor Brian Harris. Congrats on a great showing at the Southern States! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? 

Well after the Army I needed another challenge so I decided to lift weights and was shooting to enter a Bodybuilding show, but I didn’t feel comfortable at 210 so I decided to pursue men’s physique

Can you tell us a little about the Competition in which you just competed?

Well I just got done doing Southern States and placed 4th in my place! The class was deep, it had 32 middle class guys competing. I qualified for Nationals.



I’ve angel arms introbeen lifting for a long time now and always get the question of how I got my arms to where they are. The reality is I have been blessed with great genetics in terms of round muscle bellies and small joints which make my arms look bigger than they actually are. It’s a gift and a curse because they look great in the gym, but get me marked down in competition because the judges tell me they are too big. I guess there are bigger problems I could be complaining about with my physique. Don’t get me wrong I’ve put in a lot of time and energy to get these arms where they are. A couple of buddies of mine at my gym coined the phrase “Angel Arms” when talking about getting their arms to look the way they want. Needless to say everyone has strong points and weak points in regards to their physique. I will share some techniques I’ve used that can hopefully turn those pipe cleaners into weapons of mass destruction!!

 Here are some points I want to cover on how I’ve gotten these “Angel Arms”:


Meet MP Competitor Frank Fata



JoiningFrank Fata 1 us today is National level MP Competitor  Frank Fata.  Congrats on a great appearance at Team U!  So how did you find your way into the Men’s Physique Division?

I decided to compete in Men's Physique division because my body is just not built to be as big as a bodybuilder. I've alwas had the six pack ABS beach body. When I first saw men's physique division come out a couple of years ago, I knew I had to jump on board.


The Truth About L-Carnitine: THE LAB

There l-carnitineare a lot of supplement brands that would have you believe that l-carnitine is the ultimate fat burning amino acid.  It is promoted as an aid to weight loss, but what exactly is l-carnitine? Can it really help you shed those unwanted pounds?

In simple terms carnitine is a substance that helps the body turn fat into energy as it is biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. In living cells, it is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria during the breakdown of lipids or fats, for the generation of metabolic energy. 


Should You Be Afraid of Water Bottles and Cans?


Unless BPAyou have been living under a rock you have heard about the concern over human exposure to Bisphenol A, also referred to as BPA.  BPA is an organic compound (chemical formula (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2 ) which is a colorless solid used to confer hardness to polycarbonate plastic.  It is also used in epoxy resins to create and antibacterial coating in the lining of metal cans which are used in the food industry.  BPA can leech from containers into the foods they hold and become ingested by individuals when those food items are consumed.  

What makes BPA a concern for people is the fact that it is a weak endocrine disruptor which mimics estrogen and has substantial negative side effects on health.  A U.S. Government sponsored review of the scientific literature on BPA was conducted in 2006, resulting in the following statement:”BPA at concentrations found in the human body is associated with organizational changes in the prostate, breast, testis, mammary glands, body size, brain structure and chemistry, and behavior of laboratory animals.”


Above All… Be Happy

In muscle smiley faceour modern day society of go, go, go and more, more, more: we often get so caught up in always reaching for the next challenge.  We may often times forget that everything we have always needed to Be Happy, we have had all along! It is amazing how those of us that are constantly reaching can get so wrapped up in the process that we may forget that we have already accomplished so many things and that if we never take the time to enjoy our accomplishments and always look for what is next, we never will be truly satisfied!...


The NPC USA's MP Wrap-Up



This past weekend was another big one for the NPC and IFBB.  On the UNLV campus around 150 MP competitors took to the stage in hopes of taking home a pro card.  The reality is that 12 happy men achieved their goal.  The rest stepped on stage with the best in the country. 

Last year's USA show had only 3 height classes and 3 cards so the increase to 6 classes and 2 cards per class was a welcome change.  With the added opportunity came more and more pro-caliber athletes.

Pre-Judging and finals for MP both took place on Saturday.  In the evening all was revealed as we were let in on who our 12 new pro’s were going to be...


Engorge the Arms


One DWt24of the biggest problems we run into when training is hitting a plateau. We all know it is good to change things up occasionally. Most workout programs are similar, 8-12 reps, 3-4 sets per a body part, and 3-5 exercises. That’s the norm and many of us, even if we change up the exercises, do not change up the style of training. So here is something different to try for your next bi and tri workout. Let me first tell you that with this program I would do biceps on one day and triceps on another. I would not attempt to do both in the same day...


The Dangers of Miscalculations

About Handshakea year ago I was at a networking soiree for marketing and advertising professionals. The event was buzzing with various individuals shaking hands, exchanging business cards, asking questions and “networking.”

I had an advertising sales rep come up to me and although she had a drink in hand, she was there to do business. She immediately launched into a variety of questions, which felt more like an interrogation rather than a pleasant conversation.

What do you do for work? How long have you been involved in that?...


5 Tips To Maximize Your Next Gym Visit

For Tim Roberts Barbell Curlthe majority of us, heading to the gym is an important aspect of our day. So making the most of that visit is crucial to your results. Here are some tips to help you improve the quality of your next workout.

1.    Bigger Better Arms – Keeping your elbows held close to your torso will help get you the most from each rep. Remembering never to sway and isolate best as possible.


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