The Truth About L-Carnitine: THE LAB


There l-carnitineare a lot of supplement brands that would have you believe that l-carnitine is the ultimate fat burning amino acid.  It is promoted as an aid to weight loss, but what exactly is l-carnitine? Can it really help you shed those unwanted pounds?

In simple terms carnitine is a substance that helps the body turn fat into energy as it is biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. In living cells, it is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria during the breakdown of lipids or fats, for the generation of metabolic energy.

The simple way L-Carniine works is that it boosts energy by stimulating the body's burning of tryglycerides as fuel, and storing the supply of glycogen stored in the liver for heavier exertion. During exercise, the body will burn fat at a rate of approximately 75-80% of maximum exertion, meaning less glycogen from carbohydrate sources is burned. L-carnitine allows the body to burn more fat, save more glycogen, and ultimately boost stamina and endurance.

How can L-Carnitine be beneficial as a supplement?

Based on the information above, an l-carnitine supplement should support your overall goal of losing fat, additionally l-carnitine also encourages a healthy environment for lean muscle growth and development, which means you'll be helping your body get lean, strong, and defined.

Although l-carnitine has been marketed as a weight-loss supplement, there are many conflicting studies about it’s effectiveness.

Research Beliefs and Findings

-In 2011, researchers using L-carnitine and L-tartrate supplementation for six months in a well-controlled study demonstrated increased muscle carnitine in subjects without carnitine deficiencies.  There was also a positive impact on muscle metabolism and performance; however, the measurements of lipid oxidation were not taken in this study, and further research is needed.

-Regular supplementations of L-carnitine contributes to increased metabolism and improved neurotransmitter function in the brain in elderly patients

-Between 54 - 87% of carnitine is absorbed from food and 14-18% from supplements. Absorption from supplements is primarily passive.
-It is believed that decreased concentrations of carnitine in skeletal muscle results in impairment of muscle function. This effect has led to the belief that carnitine supplementation can improve skeletal muscle function and athletic performance in healthy individuals.
-Research from 1992 looked into the use of ergogenic aids among endurance athletes, and found L-carnitine to be ineffective.

-In 1995 a study found that carnitine may promote weight loss in exercise regimens by enhancing glucose homeostasis in the liver. At the Nestle Research Centre, researchers studied the effect of L-carnitine on exercise metabolism after depletion of muscle glycogen. Nine healthy male subjects received L-carnitine or a placebo and then were submitted to 60 minutes of exercise after an overnight fast. It was concluded that metabolism was not influenced by carnitine supplementation
-One Italian study showed that men who took 2 grams of L-Carnitine every day for a period of three months, had a dramatic improvement in their sperm counts and in their sperm motility.



Where can L-Carnitine be found?

L-Carnitine is a natural compound that is found in avocados, beef, lamb, dairy and fish. For vegetarians and vegans, non-animal sources such as peanut butter, asparagus, wheat and avocados contain sufficient amounts of L-Carnitine. Additionally, your body actually produces carnitine in the liver and kidneys and stores it in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm.

Some conditions, such as angina or intermittent claudication, can cause low levels of carnitine in the body, as can some medications and some people can't transport it into tissues for use.

As you can see, science has not conclusively proven the claims that l-carnitine is an effective weight loss supplement.  The industry will still be promoting it as one, but until further studies are carried out and a conclusive answer is found, the jury is still out.

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