

This week on the show Shelby talks to top professional powerlifter and training coach Brian Carroll. Topics include his progress in the sport, back rehabilitation, weight cuts for competition, longevity in the iron sports, and much more more.​


This week on the show Shelby talks to pro strongman and training coach Clint Darden. Topics include the pursuit of strength, strongman competitions, dealing with ulcerative colitis, training others, living in Cyprus, and much much more.


This week Shelby talks to Contest Prep Coach Trey Hodge. Trey works with Olympians Charles Dixon and Leila Thompson, among others.  Also discussed are his chiropractic practice, being diabetic, and much much more. 


In this week's episode Shelby and Casey review the Olympia then have an in depth discussion of training philosophy. 


This week on the show Shelby talks to IFBB WPD Pro Heather Grace just days out of the Women's Physique Olympia



This week Shelby and Casey talk to Brian Dobson about training with Tom Platz as a teen in Michigan, moving to Texas and starting Metroflex Gym,  getting Ronnie Coleman into bodybuilding, Branch Warren's story, and much much more.​


Fans of size, strength, and training science in general will enjoy this week's episode of Blue Collar Muscle Radio, as Casey and Shelby interview top training coach Josh Bryant. Josh has trained numerous top athletes including Branch Warren, Johnnie Jackson, and Corey Mathews. Topics include his unique style of training, time under tension, partial reps, deloading, and much, much more. 


This week Shelby and Casey talk to bodybuilding hall-of-famer David Pulcinella about a myriad of topics including a possible comeback, improving at an older age, blasting and cruising, higher frequency training, making progress with less weight and less gear, stomach distention, and much much more. 

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