
Meet National MP Competitor Denzo Rey

IL: We are here with National Level MP Mens Physique 3Competitor Denzo Rey.  Thanks for Joining us Denzo.
DR: My Pleasure.

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
First and foremost, thanks for the interview Ian. I'm grateful for the addition of the Men’s Physique Division; it is a breath of fresh air that will ultimately give a boost to the Men’s Bodybuilding Division, as well as capture the appeal of a wider audience base. The Physique Division is a great avenue for athletes to display their physiques in a different light. It provides the average guy in the gym a much more realistic goal to set by creating a competitive model of physique that is based on a symmetrical, muscular and lean look that is not extreme.

I'm very impressed with the caliber of athletes competing. The underlying benefits, in addition to the pleasing physical appearance are the strengthening of the individual’s responsibility, discipline, commitment, confidence and purpose to train.  These are all powerful and effective leadership qualities.


Meet National Level MP Competitor Scott Clifton

0b94e4c6b68d03151ed8d9a69ceacdfbWe are here with Scott Clifton.  Congrats on a great showing!  We understand you are preparing for The Nationals in Miami now.  Before we get too far ahead of ourselves though let's cover the basics.  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
First off, Thank you!!!!! My old coach had told me that I would do better and go a lot further doing Men’s Physique instead of Bodybuilding. I’m coming from Pro Wrestling and my dream since I was in Middle school was to be in a Fitness Magazine. I have always been very competitive at every sport I've played. I thought by competing in the past would get my body into the shape I need to be photo ready while at the same time competing against other guys. Doing competitions gave me a goal and deadline to be in shape. Something to follow and in order to win you have to follow your program and most of all be dedicated and sacrifice. Men’s Physique is perfect, because it is the more attainable look that potential sponsorship companies are looking for.


Meet National Level MP Competitor Krystian Malinowski

Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?310618 2509547656935 1200414365 3043773 361270488 n
First let me start from saying that I’m very competitive person since I can remember plus I like to face new challenges in my life. Men’s Physique division is such a great opportunity for the guys like me who love to train, live the fitness life style and maintain a healthy physique.
The great thing about this division is also that you are really competing against yourself. You learn so much about yourself and what you can accomplish!!!

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?

The competition that I was just competed in was NPC Ruby Championships.  This competition was a national qualifier for Fitness, Figure, Bikini and Men’s Physique. The top five contestants qualify to go to the Nationals. The Ruby was an unforgettable experience.


Meet Erik Mara, Recent Class Winner



We are here with recent Class WinnerIMG 5370 Erik Marra!  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?


I did my bodybuilding competition in 2004.  I decided to do that knowing I would be switching careers from digital animation to the medical field.  After my one and only BB’ing show, I loved it.  One drawback was that my body will take the “massive” weight gain it needed to contend as a bodybuilder.  When I heard MPD was starting up in 2011, I felt it was a blessing.  An actual competition built for my physique.  I love to train and live the life of a fitness role model.  It didn’t occur to me once I got on to the journey asn an MP Competitor, that I’d be making influential impact on people and through social networking.


Meet National Level MP Competitor Chris Villa



We are here with Chris Villa…Congrats on chris fitness305a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? A lot came in to play when deciding on my decision to compete. One, I love training and the fitness life. Two, I’m very competitive and like to see what key focal point that I lack and need to improve. Three, my good friend IFBB PRO Ryan Hughes made it more convincing for me after a long talk about the fitness industry and direction the new Men’s

Physique Division is taking guys like us towards marketing and promotions.


Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in? Well I just competed in the North Americans.  It was a very good experence in Cleveland especially rooming with new IFBB Bobby Ashhurst, my dude Xavisus Gayden and Mikey Mchall. I got to know and meet more new Physique competitors as for the competition itself, I think they did an amazing job with first callouts in the A and B classes and C class was kinda of confusing and all over the place. Just looking forward to feedback from judges soon and see why there was such a big mix of physiques...


Meet Cecil Hill: Overall MP Winner at The Coastal USA Bodybuilding Championships

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I have always been an athlete and that competitive itch to compete never really leaves you. I love the sport of bodybuilding but I am happy about the addition of the Men’s Physique Division because I never really had a desire to be a mass monster in bodybuilding, which seems to be the direction the sport is headed to more and more. I have always liked the aesthetic portion of physique competition more, and that’s why men’s physique is so great. Guys who maintain great shape all year round have an outlet to showcase our physiques and compete.


Nick Garton Goes PRO! Takes The Tall Class at The USA's

We are here with recent Tall Class USA's2011MP winner at the USA’s Nick Garton.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

Thank you! I love nothing more than a new challenge and I relished the opportunity to train with the goal to compete like I had when I was playing football in college.  There are so many ex-athletes like me out there that have never lost the passion for competition and still workout and maintain a healthy physique and finally we have an outlet display our hard work... 





Meet Tall Class Winner at Europa John Lee

We are here with John Lee, winner of the Tall Class MPprofile Division at the Europa in Dallas this past weekend.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
This division is a God-send for those of us who have a specific belief in the ideal male physique. I admire the bodies of pro bodybuilders but never pursued bodybuilding seriously. I wanted to retain my athleticism and continue practicing martial arts. I valued form and function and did not want my body to exceed a certain weight limit. When this division came to existence I was immediately drawn to it.

Can you tell us a little about the Competition you just competed in?
The Europa Super Show in Dallas TX is a combination of IFBB Pro Show and NPC Shows. It is probably the top 2 or 3 biggest competition in the country after the Olympia and the Arnold in terms of industry attendance and drawing power. In the Men's Physique division there were over 50 competitors split into 2 groups. In my class (Class B 5'10” and Over), there were over 20 competitors. Being backstage was an awe-inspiring experience because of the caliber of the competitors who showed up in TX this weekend.

How did you feel after pre-judging?..


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