
Meet Keith Baker: Winner of the Men's Physique Division


You're looking to see what kind of physique it takes to win the Men's Physique division....look no further.  Check out these shots of Keith Baker.  He showed up big time and took home the prize.  Congrats Keith!

2011 Vancouver USA - Sword 1

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
It’s exciting to be part of the initial defining stages of a new division, especially one where the athletes have the look that I would like to maintain year round. The announcement of this division motivated me to train harder and eat better so I could compete. I look forward to seeing it evolve in the next couple of years. I also think the ideal Men’s Physique body is very marketable and will increase sponsorship and endorsement opportunities for competitors.



Meet Tim Staggs: First Place Men's Physique at the Ron Love Classic 2011

We are still getting tons of questions about what type of physique is winning the Men's Physique division.  There is no "one physique" that is the clear and defined perfect Men's Physique at this point.  The standard is currently being established. Tim Staggs brough a great body to the Ron Love Classic this year and won the Men's Physique division helping to establish the "Men's Physique" look.  Want to learn more about Tim?  Read on!


Name: Tim Staggs



Want to be a Fitness Model?

It seems like everyone wants to be a fitness model.  There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of landing shoots and contracts.  Some of the most important things to do are ALWAYS BE IN SHOOT READY SHAPE and SHARE KNOWLEDGE.  So how do you go about doing that?  You can share info on our Facebook page including pics and workouts.  I like to share tons of workouts here and at www.ShootReady.com  A sample of some of the info I share to promote myself as a fitness model is as follows (notice the quick snaps with the camera phone to show CURRENT CONDITION).


Become a fan of our facebook page Men's Physique and get to posting and get recognized!



Jerome Ferguson Destroys Evan's Legs

Once again it was time for leg training this morning.  Last night I received an email from Bill our photographer, informing me we were training at 10 am.  I assumed I was training with Ofer Samra again.  Turns out he deliberately wasn’t specific about the trainer in the email because he wanted to scare me (as our previous leg training session was brutal).  So when Bill told me it was Jerome Ferguson I was somewhat relieved.  Not that Jerome went easy on me.


Jerome came in with a suggestion for our leg training.  He thought that since this was all about Men’s Physique we should do a “fitness” style workout for legs.  This was going to entail a regular leg training session with moderate weights, body weight and cardio style exercises and little to no rest periods.


Interview with IFBB Judge Sandy Williamson

Ian Lauer: Hello and thanks for joining us Sandy. How are you today?


Sandy Williamson: Great, taking care of business. So you have some questions for me?

sandy williamson3

IL: You know it! First off, how long have you been judging IFBB and NPC shows?


SW: Let’s see…26 years and have seen quite a few competitors over the years.



Interview with Melih F. Cologlu (First Place in Physique at the Eastern USA’s)

Name: Melih F. Cologlu

EASTERN USA s 034 - Copy

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
I think this division is going to become very popular very fast. I think the sport of Physique is going to attract many different athletes from different athletic backgrounds.



Alex Carneiro wins 1st ever NPC Men's Physique show in California

There were tons of great physiques on stage in Culver City.  There were roughly 50 competitors in the whole division.  There was a masters class (35 years and up), Short A (up to 5' 8") Medium B (5' 8" to 5' 10") and Tall C (Over 5' 10").

Overall there were basically twice as many Men's Physique Competitors as there were Male Body Builders.  This just goes to show that this new division is going to explode!  To catch everyone up on the overall winner...it was Alex Carneiro.  He made the trip to CA from Denver and boy was he happy he did.  An impressive display and a great attitude earned Alex the win.



Stay tuned as a video interview after pre-judging with Alex will be up soon!

Featured Competitor: Emmanuel Delcour

Name: Emmanuel Delcour

Chef Emmanuel DELCOUR 3

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
Very excited to compete in this new category. Finally a competition that appreciate esthetic in a different new way. A more realistic physique that is more attainable for Men in general. I think it’s going to be refreshing to the bodybuilding scene and hopefully inspire a lot of people to look like that. Bringing this new type of physique will definitely attract more audience to bodybuilding which is a good thing since I consider it the healthiest and most complete sport of all. It will show that you can be a bodybuilder and look healthy and esthetically perfectly balanced.


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