Eating Healthy in College
Come late August and early September? You know what that means, school is back in session. Not only is school back in session but also many individuals who are going to college or living on their own need to find a way to take care of their budget instead of living at home and having the luxury of home cooked meals or their parents paying for groceries. This article is mostly geared towards those moving out into their own place, moving to college, or those who need some tips on how to get the best bang for their buck for nutrition while away from their home.
Few post-workout products have been properly investigated in finished commercial form. This study was carried out in order to determine the short term (14 days) effects of Adenoflex® (World Health Products, LLC; Stamford, CT) on hematocrit levels and measures of muscular endurance.
The Egg Files
The first thing that comes to mind when athletes think of eggs is mainly that they are a good high quality protein source. But not so very often are vitamins and minerals mentioned. And then there is the cholesterol issue. Is there a possible danger for my health?
Resistance Leads to Growth in Many Ways!
Resistance is defined as the opposition offered by one thing to another. In bodybuilding, resistance isn’t something we’re supposed to run away from. In fact, embracing resistance is critical to our success. It’s resistance training that makes us who we are. Resistance is our catalyst for change. The physiological adaptation to resistance training is what triggers hypertrophy, and what transforms a former Division-1 point guard with no chance of ever sniffing an NBA roster into a three-time Mr. Olympia.
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