

"In this episode John and Shelby talk to IFBB Pro Ken Jackson, discuss deadlifts for bodybuilding training, and cover a handful of listener-submitted Q&As"




"In this episode John and Shelby review their Olympia weekends and cover a handful of listener-submitteed Q&As"



"In this episode we interview IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale, just 5 days out of the Olympia. We also discuss the superfood red palm oil, as well as the role of progressive resistance in hypertrophy training"



"This episode includes a call-in discussion with WPD Olympia contender Jamie Pinder, some discussion on post-show nutrition, and an in-depth look at bicep curls. "


This premier episode includes a call-in discussion with hypertrophy expert Brad Schoenfeld, some discussion on offseason eating, and an in-depth look at stiff leg deadlift variations



FITSPIRATION RADIO with Dean Michael Fazzolari!

Tonight on Fitspiration Radio:

Guest 1, William The Bread Man, owner of p28foods, gets back on the air, and talks about the upcoming arnold, how to market yourself to companies as an athlete, and what he looks for in an athlete.

guest 2, IFBB PRO , Karina Brazil comes on and clears the rumor wether she will be competing in the IFBB this year, and if she is not, what is next for her!







FITSPIRATION RADIO with Dean Michael Fazzolari!

Tonight on Fitspiration Radio:

Guest 1: IFBB Pro William "Breadman Sullivan

We talked about owning a business in the fitness industry, how he got started, and how he grew the business to be as successful as it is,
and what it takes to be sponsored by p28foods

Guest 2: Jaime Michielle : We talked about how she got started with fitness, how she built her loyal following, and how Instagram helped her
with her online personal training business

Guest 3: Sergio Rizzuto "OWNER of InstafitSociety with 666,000+ followers . he was the main topic of the show..

We talked about how he got started, whats next for him. how to figure out if a shout out page is worth buying a shout out from, and if the followers are fake or real. 






Join Mark Feldman and Johnny Styles as they recap all the happenings 
around the sports entertainment industry and pop culture media!

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