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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Rx Girl

Is Your Diet Making You Fat!?

13215517938641Is Your Diet Making You Fat!?

This weekend I was trading dieting war stories with my good friend Jason Phillips of www.jasonphillipsfitness.com. Both of us share the same principles as far as the dieting beast is concerned. "Eat more to WEIGH less". (Generally speaking)

This method of dieting isn't BREAKING NEWS. In fact, it might not ever be, until the tired and broken down competitors take a step back, and really looks at what they are doing on the inside to achieve the best looking 'out'.

Jason and I decided we want to get the word out and after some considerable chatting, we thought it would be best, to just break it down conversation style for this article.



Rita side triSpotlight On: MARIA RITA PENTEADO

Female Bodybuilder

Plainview, New York


Spotlight On: Sheanni Vanderbilt

a0012Spotlight On: Sheanni Vanderbilt

NPC Figure

Los Angeles, California


I DO’s and I DONT’s

I DO’s and I DONT’s

stacy2So you compete and he doesn’t...what now...?

When they met us at the altar and agreed to stick it out “for better or for worse,” little did they know what they were committing themselves to! Yes, I am talking about the unsuspecting husbands of competitors. You know…the ones who endure our “weird” eating habits, crazy schedules, and “occasional” mood swings during our quest for the Holy Grail in competing…the personal satisfaction of walking out on that stage and rocking it!!

My husband certainly didn’t marry a competitor, or even a fitness enthusiast for that matter. As a matter of fact, we had been married for MANY (don’t want to age myself here) years before I found my true passion and fell in love with competing. Our marriage is a perfect example of that old saying, “You never know what cards we are going to be dealt.” In our case, a figure competitor is what he has ended up with. Poor unsuspecting, but ever so patient (and luck some would say…hehee) husband!


Spotlight On: Angela Coleman

DSC 9272 BDJFELFJFQSpotlight On: Angela Coleman

NPC Figure

St. Louis, Missouri


Bikini Training Essentials: Partial ROM Training


LaurenBikini Training Essentials: Partial ROM Training


The NPC and IFBB Bikini Division has become extremely competitive due to the sheer amount of competitors out there and the publicity the division commands drawing in a lot of premium talent.Bikini training is far from a “dumbed-down” Figure routine; it takes a whole new approach to create the ever elusive winning Bikini physique. Because the Bikini division doesn’t like any one end of the muscularity or conditioning spectrum, designing Bikini programs requires a true “touch”. In Bodybuilding, and in a lot of Figure training, the goal is pushing body part development, conditioning and fullness to the max. Whereas in Bikini, you have to create a level of tone with the right degree of softness that can be a very tricky look for the trained athlete to achieve. It requires peaking with a balance of definition and softness and a training system that will develop the RIGHT body parts for Bikini competitors while leaving some body parts purposely under- developed to create a pleasing, flowing, natural look.


Spotlight On: Lindsey Nicole

171537 194702420557718 100000538837908 620522 4581535 oSpotlight On: Lindsey Nicole

NPC Bikini

Denver, Colorado


Spotlight On: Dawn Fernandez


DSC 6344 HHNEOPMQLHSpotlight On: Dawn Fernandez

NPC Figure

Phoenix, Arizona


Spotlight On: Sarah Mathison


gailSpotlight On: Sarah Mathison

NPC Female Bodybuilder

LaCrosse, Wisconsin


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