If you are reading this article there is a high likelihood that you have already taken a number of steps to develop your fitness physique. You probably place a high value on health, dedicate time to exercise, eat fairly clean and spend time educating yourself on how to improve your knowledge in all of these realms. Doing all of these things lay the foundation for building the perfect body; however, there are often elements that we fail to address when we think about reaching our highest fitness level. Arguably, one of the most salient elements is sleep!
I have realized over the years that there is a big difference between, picking a weight up and repping to the high heavens, and actually isolating the muscle so you can get an incredible gain.
There are actual stages of fatigue that are important to reach if you want to accumulate more muscle from your workout. Here is a brief breakdown of those levels of fatigue and what role they play in producing the sought after muscle growth.
People make the mistake of doing the same body part on the same day every single week. The body recognizes this and it can stop your desired results dead in their tracks! I see it in the gym every day, Monday is national chest day, and Wednesdays seem to be national leg day (for those few that actually do legs). Switch up your routines and days to get the results you want!
As most people know we must change our workouts up to keep our bodies progressing and seeing results. If we stick to the same program for too long our progress may diminish. I personally like to change my workouts up every 3 months or so as a rule of thumb.
As we go from a novice lifter to a more advanced, sometimes we need to do more than to just change the workouts up. Sometime I like to get crazy with the changes! When I say crazy what I mean is something extremely different from the norm.
“Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement” ~ Unknown
It's not Monday (aka National Chest Day) but, it's time for me to get my chest & triceps workout in! After coming off of taking about a month off from training to rest some injuries, I’ve spent this week and will continue next week to condition my body for the stress about to be put on it as I prepare for the upcoming 2012 IFBB Men’s Physique season.
After 16 years of training I have a really good understanding of my body. I know what I need to feed it to make sure it is functioning at 100%. I know what it takes to build muscle or lean down. I know how much cardio I need to get to my goals of stepping on stage. I know what type of training my body responds to. I know how much rest I need each night to recover. I know the supplements that are the most vital for health and to maximize my gains. I have learned to listen to my body.
One thing I learned a while back is that it is alright to skip a day in the gym or maybe even a week in the gym if that is what your body needs...
Injuries…they can happen to the best of us, we train as hard as we can, push our bodies to the limits, and those nagging aches and pains always somehow manage to turn into an injury.
What do you do?
Most of us will probably want to “gut it out” and continue training, especially when prepping for a show, but what about the consequences for not letting an injury take the time it needs to heal?
One lesson I’ve learned over the years is that it is ok to train through pain but it is never ok to train through a serious injury.
Last Wednesday was a shoulders and triceps day for me. I hit the gym just after rush hour, so there were fewer people around than normal. Most of the guys were lifting legs that day. As I was just finishing up with my last rear deltoid exercise I was approached by a guy who had a few questions for me.
Tim said he noticed my physique and that I look like I may know a few things. Laughing with Tim, I agreed to offer as much help as I could to answer his questions. One of the questions I want to share with you today:
"Does squatting benefit you more by doing partials with a lot of weight or less weight with full-range of motion?"
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