As I sit here on my patio almost a week after placing 8th in the L.A. Grand Prix, I can’t seem to get this smile off my face. What a roller coaster of a week. After the show I had several days of shoots; Iron Man, Reps and Noel Daganta for some cover attempts. On the last day of my stay in LA, I went to Six Flags for a full eight hours of riding coasters. It was a nice way to end the week. What’s funny is, I remember sitting on this exact patio enjoying the warmth of the Arizona sunset three weeks ago after winning the Governors’ Cup in Sacramento feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Although I came away with a very disappointing placement at the L.A. Grand Prix, I was able to arrive in the best shape of my life and achieve in my physique the image up until this point that has only been a vision in my mind. When you think you lose, you really win. It's all about your life goals and your perspective on where you are at in reaching those goals.
Often times in Life so many of us get caught up on focusing on all of the things that we do NOT have, what OTHERS have, our WEAKNESSES, etc… Yet, by doing this it frequently leads us further away from what we really want in the end. We certainly must focus on Personal Growth, but it ultimately needs to be reasonable and constructive in order to influence Our Lives POSITIVELY. Dwelling and focusing on the Negative will only bring more Negative! For a Great Article on Goal Setting, be sure and Check Out My Previous Article;
“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” ~ Bruce Lee
As our sport goes through the growing pains of any new category there should be an expectation of constant change until the “ideal” physique has been determined. Unfortunately, many athletes refuse to adapt to the changes and instead want to believe their perception of “ideal” is the benchmark all should go by. So rather than face the fact that maybe they have some improvements to make they take the easy route and claim they lost because of politics or that the judges simply have no clue what they’re doing.
Statistics are an interesting concept; So many sight statistics as a way to prove or disprove an idea, yet anyone who looks deeply into statistics knows that they can be swayed to whatever perspective it is that we wish the outcome to be! The concept that when we are looking for something, we will eventually find it is very true when it comes to statistics. I feel that it is always important to look where the actual numbers are coming from and often times to use statistics to get a general feeling of what the outcome is can be much more valuable. One general statistic that holds very true is that there is a very small percentage of the population that regularly writes down Their Goals, revisits them, and thus achieves them! Just as I stated earlier, when we are looking for something, we will eventually find it; So, start looking for Your Goals and you will be very pleased and surprised to see that you find them!
So you are interested in making a difference in the fitness community. You may have already or are considering competing. The fitness competition circuit gets a bad rap from time to time. However, if you don’t like competing you must respect the competition. I do not know any other athletes that gives up as much as we do. There are a huge number regular activities and foods that the MP competitor must give up daily that other athletes and normal people take for granted. I ask you, are you willing to do what it takes?
Training and competing is a personal sport. We often get into training early on for ourselves. Usually it is part of a team conditioning program. It’s important to remember the team. Though you are training for yourself…don’t forget you may be training for more than just yourself.
Any success in life starts with a journey. Every journey should start with a goal. If you want to decide where you end up that is. So how do you go about setting a “life changing goal” like “being on the cover of a major magazine?”
When setting a “life changing goal” begin with a goal lofty enough to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and YOUR VIEW OF YOURSELF. Next create a set of smaller goals towards that end. These are steps along the way of achieving your “life changing goal.” This rings true for business, personal, family, or even health goals. When you set your small goals they should be calculated, precise, and achievable. Do a lot of thinking to determine your smaller goals on your way towards your major goals. Once you have those goals figured out, WRITE THEM DOWN.
Being in the midst of the holidays, it’s time to reflect on The Real Reasons! As I finished up my shopping I couldn’t help but to think to myself about how caught up we can get and distracted from The Real Reasons that we do what we do, or at least why we began to do them in the first place! Christmas isn’t about money, it isn’t about obligations, and it isn’t even about presents! What it really is about is helping out one another and lifting one another up! If the reason we are doing something for someone else is because we feel obligated or it is just what everyone else is doing, then we need to stop and think about The Real Reasons we do what we do during the holidays! You see, when we focus on The Real Reasons, it becomes that much more special!
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