There is that dirty four letter word that begins with “C” - yes, carb, short for carbohydrates. These are those dreaded substances we are trained to avoid, or when were told to have them were told to have them clean. Everyone talks about good, bad, simple and complex carbohydrates, but what does this mean and how can one possibly readily distinguish which is which.
As it turns out there are four chemical groupings for carbohydrates, monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, and oligosaccharides. Monosachharides are the major source of energy for the body’s metabolism characterized by glucose and fructose. Two monosaccharides that are connected are disaccharides largely characterized by sucrose and lactose. Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides are longer chains of monsaccharides typically characterized by starches, glycogen, and cellulose.
What is the typical weight fluctuation that one should experience on-season versus off-season? This debate is ongoing. I feel there should not be a clear cut answer. This is based upon the different life styles of all us competitors. Some make the case that Men’s Physique competitor are not body builders and should look like Fitness Model year round. Others argue that the off-season this is the time to get as big as possible. If you are making money as a fitness model and/or required to shoot on a regular basis then you would obviously want to keep the body fat close to shoot ready and not really have an “off season.” If you are trying to put on as much mass as possible then you would want to eat as much as you can to help those muscle grow.
Eating healthy is important whether you’re in Prep or Off-Season. Here is a great list of items you can find at your local grocery store to ensure you will be in peak condition all year long!
Proteins – In this category, it is important to include Lean/Low Fat sources to build clean and dense muscle!
· Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
· Tuna (water packed), or White Meat Chicken (water packed)
· Fish (tilapia, cod, halibut, and on occasion salmon and sea bass)...
What happens when you’re hungry? You probably find the quickest and most convenient thing you can get your hands on and eat it. That's definitely something many people have to retrain themselves on when they set goals for improving their health and losing weight. The goal is not to find yourself in a position where you are really hungry, especially in the presence of a fast food restaurant! As you get better at this, the concept of mindful eating becomes more present.
Does intermittent fasting really work? This is something I stumbled upon a little haphazardly. I am no stranger to cheat foods but as a men’s physique competitor many of my peers seemed to suffer a bit more when they had some of these same foods, whether they were preparing for a competition or not. While I thought there could be something to my metabolism, I wondered if it was something more. So I decided to pay closer attention to these cheat foods, when I ate them and what the effect, if any, was on my body.
Quickly after beginning my observational self-experiment, I realized when I had these foods, I often looked better a day or two afterwards. It is important to note that while I would cheat with foods such as chocolate covered almonds, frozen yogurt, and even donuts, I was eating very healthy the rest of the day. My diet consisted of homemade shakes of fruits, vegetables, and whey protein, with meals of chicken, fish, or bison with brown rice or salad. I would cheat an average of 3 times per week. I was also working out an average of 6 days a week...
After Coaching, Training, Prepping and Working With literally Thousands of Clients over the last 15+ Years I can tell you that without hesitation one of the LARGEST commonalities to peoples Failure is Failing to Plan! There is a very good reason why EVERY Client that I work with has “If You’re not Planning to Succeed, You are Preparing to Fail” written on their Training Program and we spend quite some time discussing this quote! The reason why I do this? Well, to put it bluntly… IT IS TRUE!
Not only is it True of Living The Fitness Lifestyle, but it is also True of every aspect of our Lives and to me that is what is SO amazing about Fitness! When done the right way it can enhance and mirror every other aspect of our Lives… POWERFUL!...
One of the biggest challenges for anyone looking to Live The Fitness Lifestyle is what to eat? This is also where some of the biggest misconceptions lie, the biggest being that in order for you to get results what you eat can’t be enjoyable! Let me tell you, that couldn’t be further from the truth, in reality your Eating Plan should include a lot of variety and work with your Life and NOT against it! This certainly includes Loving what you Eat and how you Look and Feel because of it!..
I have a secret weight loss tip to lose 13lbs per year without dieting, lifting weights, or cardio!! It’s ice water. I know what you’re thinking…here goes Tim talking about the importance of water again. Let me explain the secret. Our bodies must heat up water to our body temperature. To do this we expend calories. It takes about 8000 calories to heat up 8oz glass of water to our body temperature. Now before you get excited and stop working out let me tell you these are “little calories”. The calories we are use to counting are kilocalories. There are 1000 calories in a kilocalorie. So to heat up one 8oz glass of ice cold water it takes 8 calories. So how does this equal 13lbs. Here’s the breakdown:
8oz glass = 8 calories...
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