Mens Physique Articles

Worldpower Will, Franco Columbu and Bill Swanson


Friday was an eventful day.  I woke up at 7 am to go train chest with Will Harris at 8 am.  I was a little tired from the early wake up but Will made sure that I woke up in a snap.  There is nothing like an early morning training session to get yourself going for the day.


Worldpower Will, Franco Columbu and Bill Swanson


Friday was an eventful day.  I woke up at 7 am to go train chest with Will Harris at 8 am.  I was a little tired from the early wake up but Will made sure that I woke up in a snap.  There is nothing like an early morning training session to get yourself going for the day.


Photos with Ofer, Legs at Gold’s


I rode my bike through a horrible cold wind that blew sand into my face the whole way making
P1030775visibility difficult.  I was going to meet Ofer Samra at the gym at 1 pm.  When training me yesterday Ofer had asked me for a favour.  You see he is an artist and does beautiful oil paintings in his spare time.  He wanted to take some photos of me to use for inspiration in his artworks.  I was happy to oblige.  I said hello to a few friends around the gym before I met Ofer and we got started.


Photos with Ofer, Legs at Gold’s


I rode my bike through a horrible cold wind that blew sand into my face the whole way making
P1030775visibility difficult.  I was going to meet Ofer Samra at the gym at 1 pm.  When training me yesterday Ofer had asked me for a favour.  You see he is an artist and does beautiful oil paintings in his spare time.  He wanted to take some photos of me to use for inspiration in his artworks.  I was happy to oblige.  I said hello to a few friends around the gym before I met Ofer and we got started.


Scientific Bodybuilding with Ofer Samra


I walked into Gold’s Venice this morning intending to train legs.  Ofer Samra however had a different idea. He said we had already done a big leg session and he wanted to show me a few ways of training back that I could take home with me.  This sounded like a fair idea. Secretly I was kind of glad because our last leg training session was so difficult.  I mean that in a good way because leg training should be intense.  I just think Ofer is so scientific with his training methods that you end up going through a whole lot of pain, as I was about to find out in our back training session.


Scientific Bodybuilding with Ofer Samra


I walked into Gold’s Venice this morning intending to train legs.  Ofer Samra however had a different idea. He said we had already done a big leg session and he wanted to show me a few ways of training back that I could take home with me.  This sounded like a fair idea. Secretly I was kind of glad because our last leg training session was so difficult.  I mean that in a good way because leg training should be intense.  I just think Ofer is so scientific with his training methods that you end up going through a whole lot of pain, as I was about to find out in our back training session.


High Volume Chest Workout with Hassan


I met with Hassan at 1 pm to train chest.  We both thought we should take the advice Jerome had given me and start with incline exercises to burn out the upper chest first.  A big part of my lack of upper chest development is because I tend to perform flat exercises first and incline exercises second.  That way the upper chest is always tired by the time I get to it and never really has a chance to get the stimulation it requires to grow.


High Volume Chest Workout with Hassan


I met with Hassan at 1 pm to train chest.  We both thought we should take the advice Jerome had given me and start with incline exercises to burn out the upper chest first.  A big part of my lack of upper chest development is because I tend to perform flat exercises first and incline exercises second.  That way the upper chest is always tired by the time I get to it and never really has a chance to get the stimulation it requires to grow.


Deltoid Devastation with Will Harris


I went into the gym on Monday to hit rear delts and traps.  Last time I trained with Will he helped me to work those areas of the shoulder.  Today I figured Will would help me with the front and side deltoid and I would get everything else out of the way first.


Deltoid Devastation with Will Harris


I went into the gym on Monday to hit rear delts and traps.  Last time I trained with Will he helped me to work those areas of the shoulder.  Today I figured Will would help me with the front and side deltoid and I would get everything else out of the way first.


Carving Calves with Abbas Khatami


Calves a trouble area for many physique competitors. It just seems no matter how hard some people try their calves just won’t grow. Genetics seem to play a big role in whether you have big calves or you don’t. If like me you have difficulty developing your calves read on because Abbas Khatami has explained how to develop big chunks of meat on the lower legs.


Carving Calves with Abbas Khatami


Calves a trouble area for many physique competitors. It just seems no matter how hard some people try their calves just won’t grow. Genetics seem to play a big role in whether you have big calves or you don’t. If like me you have difficulty developing your calves read on because Abbas Khatami has explained how to develop big chunks of meat on the lower legs.


Meet Shaka Smith: 1st Place Men's Physique A Class at the Orange County Muscle Classic

Shaka Smith was not sure if he was going to compete in the Orange County.  He attended the Culver City IMG_0302Show a few weeks back and found his interest peaked.  He mulled over the idea of getting on the stage himself.  Well it's a great thing he did.  He walked on the stage this past weekend and rocked it!  Shaka when from "thinking about doing a show" to winning the A Class at the Orange County just a short time later.  Want to learn more about this physique phenom?  Read on!


What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
The physique division is very strong – it’s a great addition to the competition. I think as competitors we are all trying to figure out exactly what the judges are looking for, but that’s kind of the fun part – it pushes you to bring your best in all aspects.



The Trip Home – Getting Sick and Tearing a Calf

Wow what a week! It sure has been turbulent to say the least, and I’m not talking about the plane flight. I have now been back down under for a week so I have had some time to rest up and settle back in to Aussie life in Sydney. Let me fill you in on what happened in the process.



Bobby Ashhurst is the Overall Winner at the Orange County Muscle Classic 2011

Bobby Ashhurst took home the 1st Overall for Men's Physique at the Orange County Muscle Classic 2011. He is making waves in the fitness industry across the board.  Not only did he just win the OCMC, he was also recently was brought on as a demo rep for Gaspari Nutrition.  Here is a guy with a great sense of humor, great physique, and the knowledge to use it.  Bobby is showing everyone that you can have a great physique and be incredibly business savy.  Want to get to know Bobby better?  Read on!

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?3

I think it is great for the sport. They have created a category anyone can aspire to realistically compete in. Even a poor kid from Jersey can grow up to be a champ. (yes, I grew up in NJ; no, I do not watch Jersey Shore or do a fist pump) This category, much like bikini, has opened up the fitness industry to a much larger demographic so from a business perspective I think themove is a winner. From the perspective of someone who loves fitness &
all around good health, I think this new category will give people a goal to aspire to that will lead many down a longer, healthier and happier life overall.




Orange County Muscle Classic XXXV "A SUCCESS!"

This past Saturday was the Orange County Muscle Classic Show and another day for the new Men's samsacketPhysique Division to shine.  Jon Lindsay put on another great show with top notch competitors.  There was yet another strong turnout for this exciting new division.  I can't tell you how many men AND women said to me "finally" when I ask them their thoughts on this division.

The interest is obvious when you see the sheer number of competitors and spectators for the event.  At the OC Muscle Classic there were 8 in the Masters Division, 4 in Class A, 7 in Class B and 12 in the C Class (5'10" and above.)  This breakdown in numbers shows that consideration should be made for increased number of height classes.  The 5'10" and above is huge because the average male  height in America is nearly 5'10"; therefore, it stands to reason that roughly half of male competitors would be in the C class whereas the remaining "half" is split in the A and B class according to current guidelines.

Check out a sample of the quality of competitor to show up!  Pictured here is Sam Sacket.


Greg Plitt Triceps Trifecta Workout Preview - GregPlitt.com

Greg leads you in the battle to build your triceps in Triceps Trifecta, an extreme workout that is guaranteed to blow your triceps up and get them shredded. The barrage of exercises in this insane, 45 minute instructional workout video will unleash the growth, as it attacks all three heads of your triceps, superset style, with exercises you've never tried before.







New Competitor on the Block: Meet Nick Garton

Name: Nick GartonColor - In Pillars

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?

Physique is the opportunity for a different type of “bodybuilder” to show in the NPC. It’s an opportunity for men with a balanced lifestyle between athletics, clean eating and those who enjoy a little healthy competition to thrive. This division is generating a significant amount of new interest, so in this first year we are the pioneers and are responsible for inspiring and setting the bar for all aspiring competitors.



Meet Keith Baker: Winner of the Men's Physique Division


You're looking to see what kind of physique it takes to win the Men's Physique division....look no further.  Check out these shots of Keith Baker.  He showed up big time and took home the prize.  Congrats Keith!

2011 Vancouver USA - Sword 1

What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division?
It’s exciting to be part of the initial defining stages of a new division, especially one where the athletes have the look that I would like to maintain year round. The announcement of this division motivated me to train harder and eat better so I could compete. I look forward to seeing it evolve in the next couple of years. I also think the ideal Men’s Physique body is very marketable and will increase sponsorship and endorsement opportunities for competitors.



Meet Tim Staggs: First Place Men's Physique at the Ron Love Classic 2011

We are still getting tons of questions about what type of physique is winning the Men's Physique division.  There is no "one physique" that is the clear and defined perfect Men's Physique at this point.  The standard is currently being established. Tim Staggs brough a great body to the Ron Love Classic this year and won the Men's Physique division helping to establish the "Men's Physique" look.  Want to learn more about Tim?  Read on!


Name: Tim Staggs



Arm Annihilation with Eric Di Lauro

While working with the trainers at Gold’s Venice, I have generally been in the position to choose which body part the trainer helps me with.  The trainers have also been taking the role of an instructor, showing and telling me what to do.  Training arms with pro trainer Eric Di Lauro and IFBB pro  Hidetada Yamagishi was a whole different ball game.


This time I still had some instruction from Eric but I was training with them rather than being trained by them.  It was me who had to keep up with these legendary guys.  Fortunately we were training our arms which is one of my strongest body parts.



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