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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Figure/Fitness Competitor: Michelle Bailey

Spotlight On NPC Figure/Fitness Competitor: Michelle Bailey

Category you compete in: Fitness/ Figure AthleteDSC 0058
Date of birth: July 28th, 1975
Hometown: Port of Spain, Trinidad
Career: Athlete, Personal Trainer, Owner of M.O.R.E. Wellness

How does your family respond to your competing?
Someone once said “A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” – Unknown
My family is my friend!! From inception my parents – more so my Mom - has been a towering support in my pursuit to becoming a national fitness athlete. It was such a wonderful, surreal feeling when I won my first show in Trinidad and to have my parents, siblings and friends cheering me on! My dad would say “oh my! Your food smells so good, but I don’t know how you eat that” ha! Even when I was away studying, my boss (now family friend) was so excited to go with me to my first US NPC show in Sacramento. And support continued when I met my hubby who supports me in attaining my dreams. With persons believing and supporting your dreams one is capable of going much further with attaining their goals!
What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term?
When I think of goals I have set over the years I get excited, because I have been so far successful in achieving most of them. Completing my Masters – 2008, first photo shoot – Dec 2010, first runway modeling – June 2011, winning a major regional competition 2012.

With 2013 on the horizon one of my main goals which I’m in hot pursuit of is winning my Professional Status as a figure athlete. It has been a long term goal from 2002 when I became an athlete…. It’s now a short term goal! For 2013 IS the year! I can feel it!

Another short-term goal is to continue to attain meaningful and long-term relationships in the bodybuilding industry. In particular with sponsors and meeting my Bombshell coaches in person! I can’t wait!

A third short-term goal is to participate in at least 4 competitions in 2013.

Two long-term goals would be to qualify for the Olympia, and sharing a healthy lifestyle with my ‘new’ community. For anywhere I go I find ways of instilling wellness in others.

What's currently on your iPod?
Being from DSC 0715the Caribbean, Soca Music and old school dancehall are a must have! Songs like Machel Montano’s Madology and Scandal (Remix), Sean Paul’s Model, and Bunji Garlin Hold that Burn are wild and infectious. More recent Jay Sean featuring Nicki Minaj, Usher’s OMG and Alicia Keys’ New Day are just a few artists music I rock out to while bounding out my cardio sessions.  

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world?
Community work and sharing my culture are special to my heart. Family life is also dear to my heart and come 2013 I will be reunited with my US family! I can’t wait to have fun times with them.

Do you have a favorite exercise?
Whoo favorite exercise! There are so many ha!!! But let me go with lat pull downs! I love a wide back! The ability to create that V taper gets me going!! I love to hold the stretch to give that extra burn no matter the weight.

Competition history:
My first show was in 2002 where I competed as a female bodybuilder! However as the sport evolved in the Caribbean I ventured into the fitness category, which has been such a wonderful journey; I’m loving every minute of it! Some of my notable performances are as follows:


2007 July – 1st Place IFBB Eastern Caribbean Championships – Trinidad
2007 September – 2nd Place IFBB Seniors National Championships - Trinidad
2007 October – 3rd Place IFBB Central American and Caribbean Championships – Bermuda

2008 September – 2nd Place IFBB Seniors National Championships - TrinidMichelle Breast Cancerad
2008 November – participant in Sacramento NPC Championships – United States


2009 May – 7th Place NPC Championships Contra Costa – United States
2009 May – 1st Place IFBB Eastern Caribbean Championships - Trinidad
2009 September – 2nd Place IFBB Seniors National Championships - Trinidad
2009 October – 2nd Place IFBB Central American and Caribbean Championships – Grenada


2010 March – 4th Place Natural Ohio Show – United States
2010 July – participant in Indianapolis Championships – United States
2010 September – 2nd Place IFBB Seniors National Championships – Trinidad
2010 September – 4th Place IFBB Central American and Caribbean Championships – Aruba


2011 July – 2nd Place IFBB Southern & Antilles Championships - Venezuela
2011 September – 3rd Place IFBB Seniors National Championships - Trinidad
2011September – 3rd Place IFBB Central American and Caribbean Championships – El Salvador


2012 July – 2nd Place Sport World Classic Invitational – Trinidad
2012 August – 1st Place Short Class & Overall Winner IFBB Gustavo Badell Classic International Championships – Santo Domingo

Next competition:
It’s my hope to competEl Salvador 3rd Short Classe in the Arnold’s Amateur this coming February 28th 2013! This prestigious event is where I intend to go for gold again!
I’m optimistic in winning my Professional Status and hope to compete in my first professional competition with the guidance of my coaches soon after my win! Plan B would be to compete in a recognized amateur event and the 2013 Central American and Caribbean Championships in September.

Favorite Fitness Tip:
Flexibility training is a MUST if you want to ensure fast recovery and reshaping your physique. Incorporating stretching, foam rolling, hot yoga, deep breathing are all important tools to recovering and rejuvenating the body and mind.

Who would you like to thank?
In everything I give thanks and this is no exception! With God everything is possible and he has been with me throughout. I have no intention in changing that. My ‘friends’ – first my family members both near and far, I’m eternally grateful for your continued support and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all as I go forward. My coaches and current sponsors Body Glow Trinidad and American Muscle Supply Inc. (second family) I am thankful for their continued support. Lastly and no means the least are the wonderful communities of Trinidad and Tobago (Seniors, Clients, Corporate T&T, TTBBF IFBB Federation). You all have inspired me to continue advancing towards my dreams. Thank you all. 2013 look out cause here comes Michelle!!



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