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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Fitness Competitor: Amanda Morris

Spotlight On NPC Fitness Competitor: Amanda Morris

Category you compete in: Fitness
Date of birth: 1/11/81
Hometown: College Station, TX
Career: Owner, Precision Sports Nutrition in Lewisville, TX, and Certified Personal Trainer

What is your favorite contest prep recipe? Anything that includes carbs! I usually keep it pretty simple when it comes to prep time; shakes, almonds, turkey, chicken, tilapia, tons of greens and the occasional sweet potato or brown rice.  I do have a great crock pot recipe I use every now and then, that calls for 1lb of chicken breasts, 16oz of salsa (your choice – I use Pace Thick and Chunky) and 1 package of low sodium taco seasoning. Stack in the Crockpot in that same order. Cook for 8 hours on low or 4 on high. At the end of the 8 hours (or 4 if cooked on high) you can shred the chicken with a fork! It tastes great and dinner is ready when I get home…double bonus!   

What part of your physique are you currently working on? Every part! Right now I am 17 weeks out from Jr. USA’s. For us fitness girls it’s routine, routine, routine! I find that I get a lot of my strength and continue to build muscle the more I practice my routine. Endurance is crucial to have. I work to keep my heart rate up during all my workouts.

Name one piece of nutrition/fitness advice that has stuck with you. Goodness…of course I go completely blank! I have to just pick one?! My good friend and trainer, Trish Warren, recently told me something that really clicked and made so much sense. She said “You don’t win from the front, you win from the back”. Meaning anyone can look good from the front when posing, but when you turn to the back and show your gluts and hamstrings...it really says it all. Diet is KEY! You can lift, train, build the muscle, cardio like a mad woman; however, if you aren’t living the diet…it will show! If you want it you have to go for it all! This girl? She’s going for it ALL!

If you could compete in one other event (FBB, physique, figure, fitness, bikini) which would it be and why? 2012 was my first year competing and I took advantage of the opportunity to compete in both Figure and Fitness. While I placed top 5 in each figure competition, to be honest, I wouldn’t choose another event. I was a gymnast for 13 years, even competing at the collegiate level. I also cheered for a couple of years.  Fitness allows you to really show your strength, skills and personality. You have a chance to say “this is what I am about!” I like being judged, not only on my physique, but on my God given talent to tumble! :)

Why NPC: There was no question. My husband, Robert, once competed for the NPC and enjoyed it. I want to be a part of the amazing legacy they have sculpted and continue to build to this very day! I have met some wonderful people and competitors through this federation. The NPC does it right. Therefore, the NPC is for me!

What do you like best about competing? It’s so much fun!! I have met so many amazing people this past year! I love watching my physique transform and show all the hard work I have put in. I love being on stage and performing! Competing gives me the best of both worlds: gymnastics and lifting weights! Oh yeah, and that diet thing too…YEA! (yuck!) :)

What are your goals for the future? First goal to conquer is to earn my pro-card in Fitness and continue to rock it on stage the best I can!! To continue to keep an open mind, to push myself to new limits and surprise myself in every way! Who knows where the Lord will put me, wherever it is, I’m ready to go! Business wise I want to see my store, Precision Sports Nutrition, grow and thrive!! My husband, Robert, and I have been blessed to have our store come to life in October of 2012. A dream came true for both of us! Robert is the nutrition guru and me, the trainer. We are athletes and past/present competitors! With our combined knowledge we are equipped to help everyone who visits our store! Whether they seek advice, pointers, training tips or nutritional guidance, we want to help them achieve their goals and be the best they can be! Health and fitness are in our blood!

Competition history: 2012 Ronnie Coleman Classic, 1st in Fitness, 3rd in Figure, 2012 Branch Warren Classic, 1st in Fitness, 4th in Figure, 2012 Europa Show Dallas, Tx, 1st in Fitness and 3rd in Figure.
Next competition: Up next is 2013 Jr. USA’s!! WOOT WOOT! I’m excited and focused! Counting down to the last day I can have pizza! I love pizza.

Hobbies: I would list competing as a hobby. However, I never knew a hobby could take up your entire life! LOL Best hobby I’ve picked up to date! Other than that, I don’t really have one nor have time for one. Oh well, I’m pretty complete :)

What is the biggest lesson you have learned over the years whenRX1 it comes to competing? Well since I’m a newbie at this I am constantly learning! I am so happy I have Trish in my life to guide me! I also work with Sheilahe Brown. These ladies keep me on track and prepared! I would say the biggest lesson for me is to remind myself that this is my choice. It’s tough at times. Anyone who competes knows what I mean. You choose to be different. You choose to stand out. You choose to push through hard times! Sure I get looked at differently when I go out to eat with friends and I bring my own food. There are occasions when I’m at a function where food is being served and I pass on it. And, there are days where I schedule every client around my workout and eating schedule. Sure I throw my fits! But I get over it and choke down that, no salt added-seasoned, chicken and steamed veggies and run my routine one more time! More lessons are to come no doubt. I welcome them all. I pray for the ability to stay true to myself and make the best of what I’m dealt.

What is your favorite contest prep supplement? OOOOHHHHH I have so many!!! Taste is HUGE with me! I will not choke something down if I don’t like it! And now I have the ability to try tons of brands and flavors. YEA samples!!!! Perks of owning your own store! Right now my favorite protein is Nectar by Syntrax – Strawberry Kiwi. When not competing, and trying to cut everything out, I take Gaspari’s MyoFusion-Probiotic! Both of these taste great!! Second favorite supplement would be my Xtend by Scivation BCAA and Muscle Martini by GAT! All amazing products!! Ok, that was way more than 1 but they are all favorites and essential in my contest prep.

Favorite Quote: The tag line for my PT business is “Earn Your Body”. You must work, in every aspect of your life, to get where you want to be in regards to health and fitness. If you want it, you have to earn it…simple as that! In regards to competing, I have to put in the hours and hours of training and dieting to get rewarded for 3-4 minutes up on that stage. Is it worth it? ABSOULUTELY!


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