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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

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Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

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Spotlight On : Kyrstyn Niespolo

Spotlight On : Kyrstyn Niespolo


Category you compete in: Bikinigym

Date of birth: 10/28/91

Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI

Career: Currently a College student, studying Occupational Therapy.

How does your family respond to your competing? My family is very supportive and proud of how mature and dedicated I am to this sport. Since I’ve first started competing, in October of 2010, my parents have had such a great impact on my fitness lifestyle. My mother has booked all of my flights, hotel rooms, entry forms, and spray tans when it comes to me getting ready to compete. She is always making sure I hand in everything on time, and have set appointments before I take off for my competitions. Every Sunday her and I go grocery shopping to get the food I need that is on my plan, so I am able to prep for my upcoming week. Without her I would be lost and am so thankful that she is willing to help me be successful in this sport. My father however, is also very supportive with my fitness life as well. While my mother is out helping me shop for my food, my dad is cooking and preparing it. This makes it a lot easier for me to prep when it comes Sunday. Sometimes I will run out of my food in the middle of the week, and my dad is always willing to run to the store so I am able to stay on my plan. My parents have gone out of their way so many times just to help me stay focused and on tract when I am prepping for a competition. They are such a big help to me and couldn't be anymore supportive.

 What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term? A short term goal I have set for myself is to win my pro card. I have come very close within my last two competitions to taking the pro status, and I am determined to win it at my next national show. I also plan to stay five pounds within my show weight during my improvement season, so I am able to help reach my goal. Not only will this make it less stressing for me when it comes down to final prep, but will also keep my self confidence up while I am waiting to compete again in 2012. This will help me become a stronger and more improved athlete than I am today.

I would like to consider this a short term goal, but if it is able to happen in the long run as well I would be thankful. I would love to have SAN Nutrition or Species Nutrition sponsor me! It would be such an honor.

Some long term goals I have set for myself would be to compete on stage at the Olympia with my other Bombshell sisters. It would be a blessing for me to reach this goal, and I won’t give up until I am able to reach it! My Bombshell teammates are truly inspiring and encourage me to keep fighting for what you want if you really want it.

What's currently on your iPod?

Equinox- Skrillex

Booty Wurk- T-pain ft. Joe galaxy

The time ( Dirty Beat)- Black Eyed Peas

Check up on it- Beyonce

Go Hard- DJ Khaled

sideWhat are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world? This might sound boring, but I love being able to relax around the house with my family. I could snuggle up in my comfy clothes and watch movies all night if I had the time to. During the week my house is so hectic! Everyone has different schedules between work, school, training, and sporting events that we hardly have time to sit down and talk. I always look forward to Sundays. Everyone is home and we usually rent a Red Box and catch up on how each others week went.

I do have a couple hobbies however outside of the bodybuilding lifestyle! I LOVE to shop, just like any other 20 year old girl. I am always willing to buy a new pair of heels or running shoes, and if I see a cute new workout outfit it is usually in my basket by the time I go to check out. You can never have to many clothes or shoes, Right?!

Do you have a favorite exercise? hmm.. this is a hard one! I love to train, but if I had to pick favorites I would have to say cable butt kick backs, deadlifts, and leg presses! I use to hate training legs and glutes, but since my coaches have me training them 2 to 3 times a week they are getting stronger. I love seeing results and changes in my body and my legs and physique have been progressing after each competition.

Competition history: I started competiting when I turned 19! Two days after my 19th birthday, Oct. 30, 2010 I competed at the Western Michigan Show in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At this show I took 1st place in Short Class Bikini and was the Overall Bikini Champ. I was very suprised I did so well at my first show and it was quite exciting for me. After this show, I then competed at Jr. Nationals in Chicago, June of 2011. I ended up placing not so well at this show (13th) in Class B. However, I did not feel the need to quit! I ended up joining Team Bombshell after Jr. Nationals, and trained with them 2 months before I competed again. My first competition competing as a Bombshell was at Coastal USA’s, in ATL Georgia. I took 3rd place in Class B. 2 weeks later, I then competed at the North Americans in Cleveland Ohio where I took 1st place in Class B. I was very close to winning my pro card, however I did not. My last competition in 2011 was at Nationals in South Beach, Miami, Florida. I placed 2nd in Class B. This season has been such a great experience for me and has made me stronger in many different ways. Not only did I prove to my friends and family that I have what it takes to be successful in this sport, but I also proved to myself that anything is possible if you put 100 percent effort and time into it.

Next competition: I haven’t pin pointed my exact competitions that I will be competing in 2012 yet. I am going to talk it over with my coaches and see which ones they feel is best for me, and then we will go from there! 2012 will be an exciting year!

Favorite Fitness Tip: My Coach, Shannon Dey, always has amazing Finess tips! Some of my favorite ones she has said to us girls are,

-Thought of the Dey: FORK lifting not WEIGHT lifting will make you Bulky!

- Thought of Dey: How bad do you want it?? Then get off your A** and go GET IT!! You have to go out and MAKE life happen- it won’t just fall in your lap! So quit thinking about it an GO!

- Thought of Dey: So you have to20 + pounds? Guess what? It’s going to be hard, it’s going to SUCK, and its going to take more TIME than you think!! Is it worth it? YES!! Not only will you be a leaner, healthier, and sexier you- but you will LEARN just how very STRONG you are that YOU can accomplish ANYTHING that you set your mind to!

I love when our Coach gives us these tips and words of wisdom! They are always positive and she tells it how it is.

Who would you like to thank? First and foremost I would like to thank my parents for not giving up on me and believing in me and that I have what it takes to be a champion. They have been by my side through each and every competition and have been so supportive. My mom and dad have done so much for me in the past year that I can not thank them enough! I would also like to thank my coaches Shannon Dey and Rob along with the rest of the Bombshell staff who have made my 2011 competing season such a great success! They have put in their time to help make my prep for my competitions and are always making sure I come in stronger,more positive, and the best I am able to. My coaches always know what to say to inspire me to keep on pushing and never give up! They know that I have what it takes and I thank them so much for everything they have done for me this year.train hard

I also want to thank all of my Bombshell teammates! We have a sister bond that no other team can compare to. Whenever I need to be lifted up my Bombshell sisters are always their for me with their positive thoughts! They all believe in me and are the most supportive, loving, and amazing group of girls anyone could ever ask for! I love them all and am so blessed to have each and everyone one of them.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my fans and friends who have followed along with me this year on my 2011 journey. You all have encouraged me to never stop and to keep training hard to reach my goals. Noone has ever had a doubt in me and have been the most supportive that anyone could be. I am so thankful and look forward to having all of you join me next year on my 2012 journey to see what it holds!

xoxo Kyrstyn

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