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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On: Tiffany Robinson

Spotlight On: Tiffany Robinson


bb3Category you compete in: Fitness         

Date of birth: 2/27/1986

Hometown: Troy, Alabama

Career: Merchandising Manager, Strength & Conditioning Coach at Troy University

Competition history:

May 2011-NPC Battle at the Coast 1st Place

June 2011-NPC SouthEastern Gold’s Classic 1st Place & Overall

July 2011-NPC Team Universe 1st Place Class B 2nd Overall

Oct. 2011-IFBB Ft. Lauderdale Cup 8th place.

 Next competition: Request for the 2012 Arnold and whatever is to come in 2012 for Fitness!

 What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep?

The worst part of contest prep is that I am not as social. (I am such a social butterfly and I never meet a stranger). I become so focused on what’s to come that I am literally in my own world and I very rarely let others in, but now that all of my close friends and family understand the discipline and dedication behind the prep they support me 100%.

 Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?

Well I work full time and have a 2nd job so my day begins at 4:30am. Depending on day some mornings I start with my off-season cardio and come back that evening for my strength training and on other days my strength training comes first because I immediately go in to my cardio session. I also have to find time two to three days a week for routine training. I never take a day off. I always have to do something! It keeps me sane. I consider my training my “ME” time and it relieves any stress or built up tension. I also use it as my daily walk with the Lord.

 If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why? Taste… Since I have been dieting I have realized that I have had to learn to eat several different things that are healthy for me that I would have never touched before I started training because they didn’t taste good. So I could probably live without taste because I wouldn’t crave the non-healthy items… If you don’t crave them, you don’t eat them, you don’t eat them you’re on top of the world!

 If you could change one thing about this sport what would it be? I wouldn’t change anything about the sport. It’s difficult and full of awesome competitors and with the judging being subjective.. it only motivates me to do better, work harder, eat, sleep, breath, sweat, and bleed FITNESS!

 268055 146470445427317 146468428760852 290530 1302369 nIf you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why? A penny for the year I was born. Something that would be the color RED because it’s my favorite. My ipod so whoever found it would compare music and technology. A picture of me with my family because they are my pride and joy. One of my many motivational books… so when you have a tough day you can open it, change your mind frame, and progress in a positive manner.

What is your favorite vacation spot? The Beach! I love to listen to the waves. It’s extremely therapeutic. I also love to rub my feet in the sand.. almost feels like a pedicure! And feeling the sun on my body makes me feel free!

 What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding? YOU CAN DO IT! If you can Dream it, And then Believe it, then you can Become it!

It has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done and It has helped me find confidence in myself and now that confidence feeds off on to others that I am around!

What is a day-in-the-life of Tiffany like?

4:30am wake up… I always hit the snooze!

5am hit the gym!

6am- Group Student-Athlete Weights

7am- 4pm Work at the bookstore

4:15pm- Group Student-Athlete Weights

5:30pm-Personal Training Clients

7:30pm- My time at the gym!

9pm-Home sweet home… shower, laundry, prep food for the next day and sleep fast!

313362 266539323384699 100000859002892 721626 1868952216 nFavorite Motivational Quote:

I do not fear tomorrow

For I have seen yesterday

And I love today!!!

 In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?

My parents and brother for being my biggest fans, my boyfriend Jonathan Chandler for always encouraging me, my Coach Sarah Long for always being positive. My best friend in the industry Alexis Montgomery (NPC Bikini competitor) for always putting a smile on my face, Tanji Johnson for welcoming me in to the sport and being such an inspiration and last but certainly not least I give thanks to the Lord for blessing me with such amazing opportunities!

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