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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Rx Girl

Spotlight On: Danielle Ruban

cbbf5Danielle Ruban

NPC Fitness

Cambridge, Ontario


Now On Stage: PJ Braun: Diet Guru of The Week!

gail 5PJ Braun

Diet Guru of The Week

Danbury, Connecticut



Spotlight On: Natalie Rae Ariel

DSC_2585 copyNatalie Rae Ariel

Female Bodybuilder

South Haven, Michigan








Road to the 2011 Figure Olympia: Diary of a Pro Figure Competitor

Natalie-FitnessRoad to the 2011 Figure Olympia

Diary of a Pro Figure Competitor

Hi Everyone!

The countdown to the Olympia is on!  Just 5 weeks and two days until I fly into Vegas for the 'big dance' and I couldn't be more excited :-)  After having spent a wonderful week in Montreal with friends, I am back home and training like a mad woman!  Two a day cardios, 5 days of weights a week, posing, dieting and a full time job are all eating up all my spare time.





Spotlight On: Tasha Cameron

Tasha1Tasha Cameron

NPC Bikini

Atlanta, Georgia



Raechelle Chase's Road to the Olympia: Sleep or Die Trying!

7-10Raechelle Chase's Road to the Olympia: Sleep or Die Trying!

Sleep is the most important aspect to your everyday life. If you are not getting enough, even the smallest of tasks become over whelming and your sanity slowly but surely becomes some what compromised.







T-Bomb's Transformation: 200lbs Pregnant to Bikini Competitor

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compilationT-Bomb's Transformation: 200lbs Pregnant to Bikini Competitor

My name is Tammy, but everyone calls me T-Bomb.  I am 33 years old from New Orleans, LA.  I was always inspired by the dedication of the fitness athletes, but never really put 100% into my own training until I had my first child. I was always a skinny girl who never had to watch what I ate, so I never had any real motivation to get into better shape. But all that changed when I got pregnant in January of 2009. I gained nearly 65 pounds and weighed  close to 200 pounds the day I came home from the hospital (Sept 2009).


HYDRATE ME! RxGirl Product Review of Hydrolyze Ultra Water

174606_196586450356550_2750933_nHYDRATE ME!
RxGirl Product Review of Hydrolyze Ultra Water

Anyone that knows me knows that there are two things I truly hate: Cardio and Plain Water. Cardio I can't seem to ever escape from, but water I've always found a sneaky way to get away with it not being so bad. Whether it be adding lemon, splenda, tea, or crystal light; I am never one to be found drinking PLAIN water. . .

That is, until a case of HYDROLYZE Ultra showed up on my door step.

Spotlight On: Elizabeth Morales

photoElizabeth Morales

Women's Physique

Miami, Florida








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