

Some people were just BORN TO compete! An Exclusive Interview With IFBB Pro Tiffany Procopio....

Some people were just BORN TO compete!
An Exclusive Interview With IFBB Pro Tiffany Procopio....

Tif5This weekend I was lucky enough to get in touch with mother of 2, IFBB Pro Tiffany Procopio out of Millersville Maryland. Tiffany turned pro last year at the 2010 IFBB North Americans after 4 years of gunning for her pro card!

Some Basic Stats on Tiffany before we get started:

Name: Tiffany Procopio
Home: Millersville, Maryland
Age: 41…42 in February
Weight (off-season): 113
Weight (contest): 109
Height: 5’-1”-3/4”
Hair Color: Black
Eyes: Brown
Kids: 2

Favorite Healthy Foods: Orange Roughy, Asparagus, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Fruit, and Protein Waffles, Red Peppers & Hummus; Basically anything from the earth or the ground.

Favorite Anytime Food: Thai Food, Sushi, and Lots of Seafood

Favorite Cheat Food: Twizzlers, Gelato, Fig Newtons, and GG Ma's Caramel Cake, not a chocolate person

Occupation: Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer

Certifications: AAAI Certified Fitness Instructor
Interview Time:
CLP: Tiffany, everyone always wants to know this question:  What got you started in fitness?

Tiffany: I’ve been a competitor all my life competing in gymnastics since age 6! In 2000 I attended the Monica Brant BodyRock show with a suit in hand just in case. Monica came up to me and told me that I should be on that stage and so I went up there and did it! I got 12 out of 20 competitors that day and I was right off the street! From that day I never looked back!

CLP: That’s incredible. Right off the street, wow! So you turned Pro last year at the North Americans, would you say that was an emotional time for you?t2

Tiffany: I have been going for that pro card for 4 years prior to that always missing it by a hare so to finally get rewarded for all my hard work was very satisfying. I broke out in tears and cried on stage because I was so happy!

CLP: I bet, looking back now, what was the hardest prep you went through, and how did you overcome it?
Tiffany: I live this lifestyle 24/7 because I just absolutely enjoy it! I stay fit year round and never go well over my stage weight. I will say that those last 5lbs is always tricky, but I’ve yet to have a hard prep because I stay in shape year round! I enjoy eating healthy!

CLP: Sounds like you have a great system, how do you incorporate your family into the prepping and do you find it to be challenging?

Tiffany: Not challenging at all. My family is very supportive and I teach my children to eat healthy as well. I help them stay involved and teach them great eating habits. They eat everything I eat.

CLP: That’s really lucky! It’s great to have a support group you can count on that is so close to you! Now, what do you do for a living besides being a Mother, A Wife, and an IFFB PRO?

Tiffany: I am a personal trainer and teach an aerobics strength training class at my local gym

CLP: I love it! I love how fitness is all around you! Do you work out in addition to teaching your class?

Tiffany: I go to the gym 6 days per week to do my personal training for my clients. I’ll get to the gym early and do about an hour to hour and a half on my own which can vary to 40-45mins of weight training and 40-45mins of Cardio depending on my needs at the time. I also then get an extra 90mins of cardio while teaching my strength training classes as I do the work outs with them!

CLP: I’m worn out already just thinking about you working out this much! Do you get any down time, how do you decompress?

Tiffany: Honestly, teaching the strength class is relaxing for me and calms me down, but…I LOVE shopping!!! I always seem to have the best luck and hunt for all the bargain deals I can find! It’s very relaxing and fun!

Tiff6CLP: I’m with you! Shopping is the new ‘ice cream’. But really, do you ever have cravings during your prep?

Tiffany: I’ve been dieting for years so this is just a lifestyle for me. I crave sweets, but not chocolate but more fruits and sugars. I have fruit in my plan so it keeps it under control; Closer to a show though I will miss the fruit in my plan.

CLP: I love your spirit! What’s next now? Everyone always wants to know!

Tiffany: Right now I’m trying to qualify for the Olympia. The Kentucky Pro show is in 2 weeks and I’ll need to place in the top 3 to be able to compete in next year’s Olympia 2012.

CLP: I wish you a lot of success!!! Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Tiffany: I am very humbled by the fitness lifestyle and I just would like to achieve and keep fulfilling my dream! I will never give up and anything is possible if you’re passionate about it!

Thank you SO much Tiffany, it really was a pleasure having a chance to grab you for a quick chat! For more info on Tiffany, be sure to check out her website: http://www.tiffanyprocopio.com/

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