

Tiffany Robinson’s Journey to the Stage

Tiffany Robinson’s Journey to the Stage

bb3It’s almost overwhelming to try and find a starting point. When I think about my journey to the IFBB Stage as a Fitness competitor the first thing that comes to mind is me flipping around as a kid wanting to be the best at whatever I chose in life. I started gymnastics at the age of 4 and my career ended as an Auburn University gymnast at the age of 20. By then I had gone through two reconstructive surgeries (one on my left elbow, UCL and one on my left knee, ACL). I was blessed with the great Dr. James Andrews who performed both operations.

I then transferred to Troy University where I picked up cheerleading and absolutely loved it! There was a small bump in the road when I then tore my left ACL again. After the surgery I graduated with my Master’s and then was “unsure of life”.

I fell in to a small state of depression, battled irregular eating habits and over-exercising. One day I was at an all time low and I decided to grab my laptop and google “fitness”. This video popped up of this tiny but stacked powerhouse person by the name of Tanji Johnson. My heart began to flutter and I knew I had to act fast. I continued to search until I found some contact information for her and I sent her an email. I think maybe 2 days went by and she replied. I was amazed! I thought to myself “WOW! This awesome professional athlete actually took time out of her day to write back!” I then saved up enough money to fly out to Seattle to meet her and a few others and start my journey as a fitness competitor.

My life took an odd turn when in January of 2011, one month after I had flown out to meet Tanji, I was offered a new job in Daytona Beach, Florida. I had to put my fitness dreams on hold…. Mid April I was craving fitness and knew in my heart I had to do it! I found a team in Daytona (BodySculpting) which was primarily of bikini but the girls were so supportive of fitness.

May 28th, 2011 I hit the stage for the first time in Melbourne, Florida at the Battle at the Coast show by Ty Pope. I rocked the stage!

I had slept horribly the night before scared to death I would mess up my tan. I was also more worried about walking in a pair of heels than my routine! Haha....people laugh at me when I tell them that. I took 1st place and was hungry for more!

Two weeks later I competed in the Southeastern Gold’s Classic in Gadsden, Alabama where my routine and physique had only gotten better! I took 1st place and the Overall and was on my way to nationals! I had 3 weeks until Team Universe and I was afraid I wouldn’t have the money to go. I finally scrounged up just enough and my mom decided to come with me, support me, and help me as much as she could.

When I walked in to the venue I couldn’t control my adrenaline. My emotions were running wild and I loved every second of it. I found a way to stay focused in my own little corner and I visualized my routine and posing until it was absolutely perfect!

Once my performance was over I knew I had done the best I could.. And it paid off! When I was called out for first place it was like a dream come true. I couldn’t have asked for anything more!313362 266539323384699 100000859002892 721626 1868952216 n

My next goal was to compete at the IFBB Ft. Lauderdale Cup against awesome names like Nicole Duncan, Jodi Boam, and Camilla Rodriguez. I felt awesome after I competed! I performed by best routine yet and caught tons of eyes! I also enjoyed creating friendships and meeting new people who had different outlooks on the industry. Every bit of it made me smile! I finally found my niche! Meaning I finally found where I belong and I couldn’t ask for anything more!

I am happy and I continue to work hard each day and enjoy motivating others! I am so blessed and thankful for the opportunities I have been given!

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