

The Skye's The Limit........

The Skye's The Limit........

index-2Born and raised in Utah,  Skye Taylor was an a active gymnast and dancer since childhood.  Which then led to her becoming a winning team member of top ranked cheerleading squads from Jr High School through College.  Skye nurtured an interest in living a healthy lifestyle from an early age. Here we get a little glance into the life, background and mind of this IFBB bikini superstar.......

RX Girl: Where are you currently living and training? Where did you grow up?

Skye: I am currently located in Las Vegas NV and I train at Las Vegas Athletic Clubs all over town. I grew up in a smaller town near Ogden, Utah

Rx Girl: Tell me, how did you get started in Bikini?

Skye: I started meeting with a local trainer who actually talked me into doing a figure competition first. I was like most women, afraid I was going to look like a man if I touched a weight. After my first figure comp we decided it wasn't for me so I decided to switch over to bikini! It has definitely been a much better fit;)

RX Girl: So far in your journey what has been your favorite, most powerful moment?

Skye: Awe, there have been so many powerful moments along my journey! The most memorable would have to be placing 13th in one of my competitions, then stepping on to a national stage placing 2nd. This has helped me in SO many ways to think about NEVER giving up and pushing through. This sport is so subjective so it's hard for us competitors when we have worked so hard to place so low. It has been a powerful and humbling experience for me, and it also has been awesome for me to tell others about it. It gives us all a sense of hope knowing you can always work harder to be better the next time!:)

RX Girl: What do you enjoy doing away from the gym?

Skye: Away from the gym.. hmmm not sure what that means lol;) I enjoy a lot of things away from the gym! Love spending time with my family and friends. Boating has always been one of my faves, snowboarding, and sometimes just doing nothing!

RX Girl: What goes on in your mind before you are about to step on the stage?

Skye: Before I step on stage I think about how hard I have worked up to this point to get where I am now. I believe at this point it's about going out there and having fun! This is the time where all of our personalities shine through. The 2 minutes of glory we all bust our butts for;) My mom will say, "Go out there like so and so and do what they do"… I have to remind her that I am never going to be Nicole Nagrani or Nathalia Melo, etc, etc. The most important thing for me is to be yourself on stage with what feels the most natural and HAVE FUN!!! :)

RX Girl:  Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule? Contest and during the Off-Season? Does it vary much?

Skye: Yes it varies! Contest schedule I bump up my cardio depending on how far out I am starting. Weight training is always 5 days a week. Prepping for a competition, I am usually doing two a day cardios. Off season I back off a bit and give my body a break in terms of a lot of cardio. I still work hard in the gym because for me it is "improvement season". It is the time to focus on my weaknesses and better my physique!

RX Girl:  What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bikini?

Skye: I always encourage girls to compete. I feel it is one of the best ways to learn about yourself! It is such a challenge and along the way we become strengthened in SO many ways. Looking and feeling our best boosts our confidence and gives us more self esteem as women. This sport is definitely not for the weak, although we all have weak moments it is pushing through and overcoming the challenges that makes us stronger as individuals!


RX Girl:  Do you ever get in a negative rut in the offseason ? How do you overcome it?

Skye: Yes of course! I am crazy and feel like I should always be at my competition weight but it's just not practical. This season I am going to focus on improving and giving my body a break but still monitoring my weight and not letting myself get too carried away with the holidays;) I am realizing my goals and if I allow myself to eat a lot over the holidays it will just set me back farther. This is the time to eat clean but allow yourself a little freedom. Overcoming the ruts for me is more of focusing on what I need vs. what I want and to never lose sight of your fitness goals:)

RX Girl: How do people close to you describe your personality?

Skye: Bubbly and goofy;) I am a happy person and the biggest nerd when I am around my family. I love to laugh and make people laugh so I am always doin the most random things. In general I am an optimistic person and I enjoy recognizing what I have been blessed with. In every situation I believe there is always something positive. My philosophy is life is too short to be negative:)

RX Girl: What is the hardest thing about preparing for a show?

Skye: It's all hard lol! No, I have my days where I am so focused nothing can pull me away from my goals. The hardest thing for me is getting really close to a competition and my body aches all over and to mentally overcome the "I can'ts" and push through with 110% when my feet are feeling like they are going to fall off. This is also the time that I love because I find how strong I really am. Overcoming the doubts and pushing through my mental weaknesses! I love the quote my friend told me, " Sometimes we have to have breaking points to have our break throughs!"

RX Girl: In closing, who would you like to thank or give a shout out to?

Skye: RX girl for featuring me:) I would also love to thank my amazing support system! My amazing coach Shannon Dey and Team Bombshell for transforming my physique! My Bombshell sistas for all their support! My family and the support they give me to push through and achieve my goals! My Mom, my biggest fan in the world for being with me every step of the way and never giving up on me! My awesome fb and twitter friends I have met along the way who also support and push me! Champion Nutrition and Nutrition Zone for helping me out with some sponsorships along the way:) I am so blessed to be living my dreams in this sport and thank everyone who has been a part of my journey along the way!

index-1RX Girl: How can we get in touch with you?

Skye:   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Skye-Taylor-IFBB-Bikini-Pro/101489366615819

            Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/skyemtaylor



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