
Meet The Man in The Shorts: Chad Jackson

WithChad Jackson us today is MP Competitor Chad Jackson.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I won a 12 week transformation contest on Bodybuilding.com in 2012 and I had this urge to keep going so looked for the next opportunity.  I did not want to transform and then stop.  So much dedication and hard work goes into a transformation contest and I wanted to not only keep going, but take my fitness and experience to the next level.  I saw a local bodybuilding/physique contest in Houston (Branch Warren Classic) online 5 weeks before the contest and I told my wife, “This might be crazy, but I am going to do this.” 


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Marc Celestin

The DSC 0497 EBERJUIXCFSky’s the Limit for Marc Celestin! 

 Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

 Thank you! I've always been a fan of the sport I just never thought about competing until I watched a couple shows live and felt like I belonged up there with the other competitors. 

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?

I recently did my first show, November 16, 2013. The NPC Florida Gold Cup. It was a great show and I met a couple great future competitors...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Hallart Keaton

Hallart Keaton:Hallart Beastmode is Always ON!

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? 

I've competed as a men's middleweight bodybuilder and someone told me about the new Men’s Physique category and I wanted to see how I would do as a Physique competitor. 

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed? 

My most recent competition was the Lackland Classic where I competed in the A class open as well as in Masters. I placed second in both categories and qualified for Team Universe...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Thomas Murphy

There's TWISTa time and  place for everything, even "Little Debbies."

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I needed a sport to compete in! Living and breathing the fitness lifestyle, I’ve always kept in relatively good shape and this was a perfect outlet to showcase my hard work.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?

I competed in both Physique and Fitness at the Southern States show in Fort Lauderdale. It was an awesome show and well worth the drive to Florida! I had so much fun competing and met some invaluable contacts while I was down there, including the photographer Pat Lee, who I got the opportunity to shoot with after the show...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Zach Morrow

Zach Zach M 1Morrow: Integrity and Intensity! 

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

Fitness and athletics have always played a major role in my life. With a passion for training, I was always drawn towards the sport of bodybuilding.  My personal goals as far as my own physique were slightly different, however, than that of men’s bodybuilding. When I heard about the new division, the criteria aligned perfectly with my goals and seemed to be a great fit for my body. I made plans to compete the day I learned of the division. Having the ability to be a part of the competition and allowing me a platform to showcase my hard work seemed like a great combination...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Marfred Suazo

Breakdancing, marfred 3black belt DJ? You must mean Men’s Physique competitor, Marfred Suazo! 

Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? 

Thank you. I’ve always been athletic, and since a young age I’ve always liked to challenge my body in different sports, Men’s Physique being no different. It was another sport that I was excited to prove to myself I could do; the physical demands are intense and I was up for the challenge. 

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed? 

The most recent was 2012 Team Universe, it was very overwhelming and exciting at the same time; greatly impressed by all the physiques competing. I was very happy to share the stage with such great talent. Although I had ACL surgery a few weeks prior to the national show I was still able to push through the agonizing pain and bring a pretty good package to the stage...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Andrew Cleary

Andrew Cleary,Andrew pose1 focused on improvement!

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I have always had a love for the bodybuilding lifestyle, and I felt Men’s Physique was the best fit to compete in. I am glad to have stepped on stage, and look forward to my next show in 2014.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?

I just competed in the OPA (Ontario Physique Association) GNC Ottawa Championships in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is a Level 1 show, and I placed 7th in Men’s Physique tall class. I was second call out, and was placed in the middle, and was kept there...


Meet the Man in The Shorts: Deandre Deans

Deandre20131012 205651 Deans, MPD Dynamo!

Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I’ve always competed in sports but I was also a skinny kid. I decided about six years ago to start lifting seriously. Since I was putting the work in at the gym and a few people telling me I should compete I decided to give it a shot. And I’m so happy I made that choice.

Can you tell us a little about the competition in which you just competed?

I just did the GNC Northern Colorado Open. It was an awesome show with a lot of great looking guys. The competition was good we had one of the biggest classes in my division (class C) which was 13 competitors...


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