Zach Morrow: Integrity and Intensity!
Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Fitness and athletics have always played a major role in my life. With a passion for training, I was always drawn towards the sport of bodybuilding. My personal goals as far as my own physique were slightly different, however, than that of men’s bodybuilding. When I heard about the new division, the criteria aligned perfectly with my goals and seemed to be a great fit for my body. I made plans to compete the day I learned of the division. Having the ability to be a part of the competition and allowing me a platform to showcase my hard work seemed like a great combination.
Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?
My most recent show was NPC Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. This was my first national show, and it was an honor to be a part of such a great competition.
How did you feel after pre-judging?
After pre-judging I experienced a mixture of emotions, the greatest of which was pride. I was proud of my accomplishment and the progress that I had made since my previous competition. I did not make the call-out or placing that I had hoped for, but that did not prevent me from enjoying the show.
How did you feel about the final results of the show?
My final placing at the show was slightly disappointing, but not discouraging. The best thing to remember is that it's a lifestyle. Always strive to be better, but do not forget to be proud of what you have already accomplished. I enjoyed the show and am thrilled to have made it that far. Now, it’s time to go back to work and keep striving to be better.
What are your thoughts on the Men's Physique Division and what it may be able to do for your career?
I believe the division of Men’s Physique is a great addition to the sport and fitness industry as a whole. The new dynamic it brings to the table truly offers a great alternative and desirable physique for the competitors and the public. As far as my personal career, competition has been a great way to network and meet other like-minded people. The exposure gained from it has been an awesome way to help me grow my business and has allowed me to reach and help a larger group of people. What I love most about the sport is that it is truly a “you against yourself” style competition. It promotes the ultimate goal of becoming the best version of yourself.
Age: 25
Hometown: San Clemente, CA
Current city: Lubbock, TX
Years training: 6
Education: ISSA and AFAA certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Marine Corps Combat Fitness and Martial Arts instructor.
Occupation: Owner/Trainer at Gunz Up Training and Nutrition
Favorite type of training: I truly enjoy a more intense style of training: compound lifts, working for bigger weights, loud music, and just working out to get better. My goals are based around hypertrophy, so I do incorporate plenty of focused and detail oriented training as well. Regardless of the exercise I am working with, the mind to muscle relationship is my number one goal. Getting the most out of every positive, negative, and rep is what counts. So, even when I turn up the intensity, form and control are at the top of the priority list.
Favorite body part to train: Chest
Favorite exercise: Bench Press (Very typical… I know! Haha)
Rep range: 8-20 (based on goal)
Number of sets: 3-5
Typical workout duration: 60 minutes
Training split:
Monday: Chest (International Chest Day, so it’s not an option!)
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Rest/Cardio
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Shoulders/Arms
Saturday: Full body pump or focused training on areas I am looking to bring up.
Sunday: Rest/Cardio
Typical daily eating plan:
Meals change based on current goals.
Meal 1: 10 egg whites, 1 cup of oats, 1/3 cup berries
Meal 2: 6oz lean meat, complex carbohydrate, 1 serving (~1 cup) dark green veggie
Meal 3: 6oz lean meat, complex carbohydrate, 1 serving (~1 cup) dark green veggie
Meal 4: 2 scoops Core MRP with 2oz almonds
Pre-workout: Gunz Up PRE with 2 scoops Core ABC
Intra-workout: 2 scoops Core ABC
Post-workout: 2.5 scoops Core PWO, or Whey Isolate with Glycoject by Evogen
Meal 5: 6oz lean red meat with large green salad
Meal 6: 2 scoops Core Pro with 2 tbsp of peanut butter
Favorite supplement: Gunz Up PRE, Core PWO, and Core ABC.
What peaked your interest in training?
It all started with high school athletics. The discipline and desire to become the best began with sports while I was growing up.
Who influences/influenced your training?
Doug Miller, Jeff Dwelle, and, of course… Arnold.
Sports: Football and basketball.
Special interests: Family time, surfing (or pretty much anything at the beach), traveling, outdoor adventure-based experiences, and teaching/coaching.
Physique, fitness, bodybuilding competition history:
2013 NPC Phil Heath Classic
2013 NPC Ft. Worth Classic
2013 NPC Nationals
Awards and/or accomplishments:
2013 NPC Ft. Worth Classic Men’s Physique Overall Champion
Next planned competition: I am planning to return to the National stage in the summer of 2014. Right now I am looking at the Team Universe or the USA’s in July.
What keeps you on track towards reaching your goals?
It would honestly have to be the excitement of competition and integrity. Training and dieting have really become a lifestyle trait for me, and competition gives me a tangible date and goal to keep me on track. Once you set a goal, integrity is what holds you to that goal. It becomes simply sticking to your word and executing what you have promised. I enjoy striving to be better and working to set a positive example for those around me. There is nothing more rewarding than having someone tell you that through your example, you have inspired them to reach their goals.
Interesting fact or something you would like our readers to know about you:
I served 5 years in the Marine Corps and worked in the Presidential Support Program of Marine Security Forces. Upon completion of the program I earned the Presidential Support Badge for having served a minimum of 12 months honorable service in a position in direct support of the President of the United States.
Website and facebook:
Contact Information: [email protected]
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